Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

AFAIK, you can advise them on-line of changes to income levels – whether this works and how long it takes is an open question in my mind – I think the 'site says 3 weeks. The primary issue is, as you’ve found out, that any PAYE-able income source they see (e.g. SIPP drawing) is assumed to continue in the following tax year. I suspect anyone with an irregular level of annual income is going to be in regular contact with HMRC to sort this out, obviously not helped by (it seems) sending out e-mails with little/no explanation of what they’ve been up to behind the scenes.

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I wanted it done quickly and hopefully I’ve avoided my final payroll being reduced by this ‘error’. Payday is next Monday!

If payday is Monday, it’s very likely already run, so who knows what tax code they have? A big advantage of being retired is having plenty of time to sort these things out.

Yes, my thoughts exactly ragarding what code will be applied!

I’ve always ensured I’m under the 40% tax limit by upping my pension contributions. I’m now at 58% of my salary plus 14% employer contribution!

I bought a fixed term annuitity with one of my defined contribution pension pots and it was setup much quicker than anticipated which means that payments have started whilst I’m still working thus ‘tricking’ the HMRC systems into thinking I will be a higher rate tax payer this year. It’s an understandable error but it almost halved my allowance hence my prompt action to resolve it.

I think I’ll have some work to do sorting all this out over the next few months. I started on all this 3 months ago when I handed in my notice. I’ll have 6 pensions despite working at only 2 places which is ridiculous. A combinaton of outsourceing and insourcing, closure of final salary schemes and an aquisition in there which has lead to all of this. At least I’ll have lots of little amounts coming in spread around the month.

Mrs HH has seven little pensions, from changing jobs and working on fixed term contracts. The tax people allocate her allowance over each of them. I have two pensions, so put my allowance on one of them and have the other taxed on the total. There are various ways to do it. You are clearly clued up on all this, but you can see how people get in a muddle.


I spotted this albino peacock in the park yesterday.


Having a rest day from the Portuguese Camino after one too many soakings and to tend to aches and pains. In Vigo one of those unvisited lovely but unlovely cities. Went to the modern art gallery and saw a fab exhibition by Daniel Verbis including this 15’ x 6’ effort …

… And, for forumites of a certain vintage, this 8’ x 6’ entitled In the Court of the Crimson King


Oh dear! How warm is it? Have you followed the coastal route? What is it like walking on the beaches? I have thought of doing it .


Hi Phil - it’s a very cool and wet 15 altho last week was a hot dry mid to upper 20s, just the Atlantic effect.

We are doing the Coastal route. TBH I couldn’t recommend it. Yes the seaside boardwalk sections were lovely but there has been too much urban walking through small towns and coastal resorts and roadside walking.

From the 4 sections of the Camino we have walked our favourite remains Le Puy to Conques on the French Chemin St Jacques.

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Just picked a new IPad Pro 11inch screen M4 chip and OLED screen absolutely superb.


When you posted you were doing the walk - I’ve done all the backways and byways of rural Portugal and I love Northern Portugal but they are the worst roads in the world - great road surface which as Jeremy Clarkson say’s we paid for - but the drivers they are something else.

But you survived Portugal - well done.

Haha - to be fair on the busier N roads they have put in a 2 metre wide walkway. On the little cobbled lanes through the coastal villages it can get a little tense - white van men and hate to say it especially the ladies!

We will be back to Braga and region for day walks, it looks great. A number of your posts have pointed me in that direction.

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Braga is my favourite city in Portugal - just love it relatively untouched by foreign tourists and as my mate would say not a golfer insight. It is proper Portugal.


My very first (and last trip) to B& M -quoth the raven

Had a voucher from Christmas - decided now was the time for some peat free compost , for fifty litres the bags were way too heavy , the wonky wheeled trolley became unbalanced on the uneven ground .

A sudden tilt and my incisional hernia was far from happy . My knees weren’t happy ,

Spent a couple of hours asleep afterwards

I guess it has to be the central route from Lisbon perhaps in an Autumn. It passes through Braga and other historic cities.

I’ve worked hard over the last 4 months to gradual get fit by doing 30 minutes most days on the Elliptical Trainer. The result is I can garden all day etc without feeling my mid 70s age. I was in good shape 7 years ago before walking from Pamplona to Santiago de Compostela. Le Puy en Valle has a reputation for being demanding.

Do you make your own arrangements to have the freedom to do it your way?

Best wishes for the rest of the trip especially to have dry weather.


Thanks Phil - alas I doubt your kind wishes will alter local weather that much!

Kudos for doing the whole Pamplona to Santiago Camino - you must get what I mean about roadside and urban walking though. There are some beautiful but sizeable cities in Northern Spain.

We started in Porto, Lisbon will add on 380 or so km I believe.

We are softies and carry day packs only. We used the excellent Portugal Green Walks to book hotels and arrange luggage transfer. As you say this does commit you to a schedule altho I feel sure they are flexible enough should you want/need to change.


When I’m driving back from Braga I normally head north to Gijon on the North Spanish coast - a beautiful city which is well worth a visit.


Indeed - colonnaded stone streets in the centre if I recall. Beautiful place.

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Finished the first day of three at a traditional ryokan in Shizuoka. Absolutely peace, tranquility, terrific kaiseki cuisine, our own outside onset pool, and a delightful kimono clad young woman attendant.
Great way to squander your kids’ inheritance :joy:


House insurance renewal has come through, with a 40% increase, stating this is due to increased costs of this, that, and many other things.

Having not claimed in > 30 years, it makes me wonder if it’s worth maintaining it?