Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Conditions spectacular at Stourhead today.


Does anybody else look at these photos, crack open Google Maps, and go for a “walk” around the location?


Cosworth cam cover tidy up. It really was a bit of a mess before I started. Embarrassingly so.

It will get done properly (professionally) over winter as it really needs blasting and milling to get it back as new.
It’ll probably be powder coated too as it is more durable especially as it makes a smashing too tray when working in the engine bay :flushed:

But it only cost me 15 quid for the basecoat, the lacquer I already had in the parts wardrobe. Sadly (especially in these temps) I had run out of 2k thinners so wasn’t able to thin it down properly hence the orange peel effect.


We’ve been having a wonderful time here in Monthermé in the Ardennes region. Very unspoiled, very low key, hardly any British visitors. This evening there was a Fete de la Biere, which we didn’t expect, with six local producers and some rather dodgy covers band. But all very relaxed.

We are off to Nancy tomorrow, which is new to both of us.


It’s never too late in life to try a threesome


En France, ménage á trois sil vous plait. :grinning:


I can’t think of a single reason why I would want to be working again, in spite of having had a fine job for forty years.
The way I see it, there has to come a phase in a human’s life where one is alone with their own time, awareness, past, present and future. At least, it is the condition I found myself in after work and life mate went, health issues came, life changed.
Having nothing to answer for and no-one to answer to is great. Or so I think and feel. My opinion only!


Today I walked the second half of “Walk the Wight” in aid of the local hospice on the IOW. About 14 miles from Carisbrooke to Alum Bay, along the top of the downs and cliffs on the south western coast of the island. Lots of climbs and descents, so good training for the South Downs Way commencing for me next Saturday. That will be 6 or 7 successive days of similar length walks. Gulp. The attached photo shows the cliffs and paths heading towards the pointy needles. Great weather but a bit achy this afternoon…


Well done👍

Cheers Gazza :+1:

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Women’s FA Cup Man Utd deserve the win (but the score line is a bit flattering) Spurs just kept giving the ball away!


We are in Nancy. Mrs HH found a place to stay bang in the middle on Booking. It’s right by Place Stanislas and overlooks Parc de la Pépinière. The birds are so noisy, which is always a surprise, as before I got hearing aids I hardly heard them.


The part owner decided not watch the ladies but the men .

And they lost

One nil to the Arsenal

One nil to the Arsenal

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I wandered out trying to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights and was rewarded with an owl hooting and bats :bat: flying.

Lovely, no lights but just a different ambience

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Went to Mother in Law’s, our normal Sunday routine to cook her Sunday roast. Arrived to an ambulance at the door, surprisingly a non emergency call had arrived in less than two hours, she was in agony, unable to get out of bed, even unable to sit up and drink. They decided to to take her to A&E for x-ray. That was 15:00.
The x-ray was done by 17:00, but no room inside so she was returned to the ambulance.
It is now midday, she has had further tests, waiting for a scan, still in the ambulance. There has been a shift change, another is due, the ambulanace cannot be released until a decision is made to admit her.

Got an e-mail from HMRC which states I have a new tax coding…Log-in, no changes evident, no documents, nada.

This said, I updated some data with them via their on-line system back in February and they changed my coding, but never formally advised me (it’s all guesswork anyway).

There’s no point calling them – it’s just useless comm’s, generated by an on-line system construct which appears to be centred on those with only PAYE-able incomes. It’s all a ‘work creation machine’ in action.

Don’t miss the Art Nouveau Museum, nor the Villa Majorelle.

I’ve had one too. Not the first time either. The website might catch up in a couple of weeks.

Sadly they are both closed on Monday and Tuesday, so we will miss them. We managed the fine art museum though, which is closed only on Tuesdays.

I had a tax code change notice over the weekend which warranted a call as they had massively reduced my code due to the fact that I’m retiring and a new pension has popped up whilst I’m still drawing an income which made their system adjust for 40% tax.

I called at 08:20 yesterday by 08:45 I had spoken to a lovely lady who corrected this on ths spot and the results were immediately seen on my online account. She also gave me advice on next steps as more pensions are expected to appear during the next few weeks.

I was dreading the call but it was pretty painless, even the on hold music wasn’t too bad!