Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

At our Tesco you can have two boxes of paracetamol or two boxes of ibuprofen or one of each. But not two of each, even if you are a couple shopping. The rather bossy woman watching the self-checkout tills wouldn’t even let me take the first two and my wife put the second two through as a separate transaction.

Highly annoying.

Another highly annoying Tesco rule (which perhaps applies everywhere) is that you get age checked for zero alcohol beer, even when it says 0.0% on the label!


I take cetirizine, while Mrs HH takes loratadine. Earlier this year I bought 360 of each on eBay for about £16. It’s exactly the same as the branded stuff.

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I taake the same active ingredient as yourself. These were Morrisons’ own brand and I agree they work exactly the same as the expensive ones.

Journey’s End - Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. Very emotional for many who have done it the hard way. We feel frauds having only done 250 kilometres had luggage carried and stayed in 4* hotels. Mind you plenty of Americans fly in do the minimum 100k and celebrate like gold medalists.


I know that Tesco staff are given very strict rules that they have to adhere to. Don’t blame the staff.


No actually I had breakfast and went straight to bed because I had another 350 km to drive the same day and I had to be there in time.

I did go straight to the bar the next evening though after checking in to a 48 ft skippered boat with two sons and a friend. This morning bought provisions and headed off from Zadar to the islands.


How to get into trouble in Kyoto


We started the South Downs Way on Saturday and so it’s day 3 today from Clanfield to Cocking (yes really). In total when we reach Eastbourne next weekend just over 100 miles of walking. The weather so far has been beautiful. The attached photo shows the view yesterday from Butser Hill towards the Isle of Wight on the horizon.


That’s a nice stretch and is very much our local part of the SDW. The views north at Harting are just wonderful. The Blue Bell at Cocking used to be very nice, and probably still is, though I’ve not been for a few years.

The bluebell is exactly where we are staying tonight. Looking forward to the views!


Yesterday, Villa Carlotta lake Como



I’ve spent the last three hours on my hands and knees, giving our stone flooring its annual coat of sealant. Sometimes I wonder why we went for tumbled marble. Now it can’t be walked on for four hours.

As a kid, I remember my dad painting the hall floor as he and mum went upstairs to bed, safe in the knowledge that it would be dry in the morning.

Except it wasn’t properly dry at all and it made a right mess subsequently.

Oh dear. At least with mine it’s a water based sealant, and on a nice sunny day and with the doors open for a breeze, it does dry pretty fast. It’s the bits with less air, such as behind the loo, that take longer.

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Just had a game of 3 touch football @ Chelsea Foundation over 50’s, weather and football was beautiful plus scored a couple of goals :sunglasses:


Beautiful day up at Avebury today. Usual circular route for me - Circles, Avenue, Round Barrows, Ridgeway, Sanctuary, West Kennett Long Barrow, Silbury Hill. Feet so sore that pressing the accelerator on the way back was agony !

Yet again, retirement delivers the goods.

In the last picture taken on the Ridgeway, the little bird in the bush was making some amazing sounds.


It is lovely by the Ridgeway , two winters ago I drove over from Compton to Wantage a large chunk of which was over the Downs, I saw Buzzard, Kestrel , Kite, plus Sparrowhawk and Owl hunting by day

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I need to ressurect my Ridgeway Project and tackle the stretch towards Wantage. Great walking on that trail.

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