Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Hope you don’t mind, but 2 goals & 3 touches is rather more than the majority of our players could manage for most of the season.

I have therefore forwarded your contact details to Carrow Road &, once the new manager is appointed, you may well be hearing from them!


Today’s best view on the South Downs Way was as HH predicted the view north from Harting Down. But here’s some lush vegetation / crops, and I am guessing this might just be HHs house…


In my dreams! We are ten miles due south of there, on the coast. I’m so glad you enjoyed the view. It’s fun watching the paragliders too.

It’s a really great walk. Onwards to Amberley in the morning.

There’s a really nice pub in Houghton, just before you get to Amberley. It was in that pub that we planned our SDW walk, many years ago.

Finishing touches to my weekend garage roof renovation project. :grin:


Looks like a fine way to celebrate you-know-what :wink:

I’ll miss the cup final being en route back to Vancouver on the Queen Elizabeth. Undoubtedly they’ll show the English Cup Final in the pub but maybe just as well :wink::thinking:


So what exactly do vanilla ice cream scoops do?

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It‘s a fickle wind today. Sailed off and were soon belting across the sea in a 35 knot storm. Now struggling to find propulsion at 6-9 knots under the wind.

Don’t head northwards to Rovinj it’s been raining here all day :pensive:

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Thanks no we are sticking around, less wind but more sunshine tomorrow so we‘ll probably head out to Kornati national park. Enjoy Istria, hope it brightens up!


Sunshine predicted for tomorrow :sunny:

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Just finished a very clever Turtle themed Grauniad cryptic crossword - proper names, ninjas plus an honourable mention to The Turtles and Elenore (was it released in Blighty?) - only to find it is actually World Turtle Day today!

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9 across had two answers that worked, it took me a while to realise that as I had the wrong one. (1st 4 letters could be in two different orders.)


Yup Eoin I did exactly the same untill it became obvious that 1dn _L_K couldn’t work.

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Longest stretch on the South Downs Way today, almost 20 miles from Steyning to Lewis. Weather better than yesterday and finally after leaving Winchester on Saturday the Seven Sisters and Beachy Head are in sight. We tackle those on the last day on Saturday. It’s been a great walk so far.


I used to live on seven sisters. Enjoy the sea views but not quite as close as this ( visiting rellies).


Jeepers that’s scary…

There’s no way I could do that, looks spectacular though.