Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Thanks for asking. Engineer has just gone. Had the foresight to appreciate that of the solenoid had gone after 22 years then it had likely taken the circuit board with it so he brought a new circuit with him. Replacing the solenoid got the pilot light on but nothing else. Replacing the circuit gave us heat. He’s then done a full service; cleaned the filter and removed a tonne of air from the system. Heat now belting out and, once the house is warm I’ll get some hot water going too.

Surveyor coming to assess flood damage on the 2nd of January. Suspect we can probably get away with stain block and a full ceiling and coving repaint but as this is the third leak who knows. Main thing is that we have heat and hot water.


I am so glad for you - and as a former insurance company manager, rather annoyed that someone with your health issues was not put up at a hotel, saving costs on a claim does not enhance the reputation of the industry

Good thing is that oodles of hot air are now available

best wishes


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Ask 99 experts and you’ll get a hundred opinions - but your oncologist should know

My very best wishes and thanks for the Ian Rankin heads up

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Happy New Year


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Wishing you the best Mike.

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Sorry to hear your woes. Inspiring how you have coped. Hope you get everything fixed and back to normal asap.



I’ve heard some who opt for hormone and radiotherapy talk of similar PSA levels to yours. Looks like you are getting the right tests done. Stay positive as you have seemed to be.


Ian, Filipe,

the oncologist I saw on December 21st was my first encounter with one. It is not my reference, rather a visit that was prescribed to me when I was dismissed from the H after surgery. My reference is still the head of the team that operated me.

My ‘problem’ is now a T3b N1, local lymph nodes having been interested. The little I know I’ve had to look for on the Net by myself - doctors don’t risk a syllable more than absolutely necessary…

In a weird way, discovering that most doctors do not really know much and that it’s up to you to get proper information has been soothing, a relief for the mind. But I am a weird guy…



Not sure if you have read this study available from OUP

Treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer (Stage T3)

It does cover patients like yourself.


If the music from a younger generation appeals then something is really wrong :wink: :wink: :wink:

It is their job to get older people saying “well it doesn’t sound like music to me”

best wishes

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Best of luck with that - last three Gilette shaving gel (orange) cans I have bought all lost their propulsion after a few depressions.

Remember what what your mum told you - never ever puncture an aerosol can. Well I watched this clip and I now have a bag of gel! That is the last Gilette gel I am buying.

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I only bought it for the Razor, gel will not get used. It was the cheapest way of buying the razor. I use Somersets shaving oil which I can highly recommend.

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We finished this yesterday, having started the day before. It’s great how a simple puzzle can keep us occupied for hours. Cheese and wine helps of course.


Good to see Nessie there.

Thanks, I think I found the paper you refer to.
I’ve already searched the Net for similar, hopefully reliable papers. I am not presently looking for generic reassurances but for plain, crude information and prognostic statistics.
I am aware that my situation is not very promising, but the most disturbing fact is not having yet had an open, illuminating exchange of words with a specialist since when I had the MRI, end of July.

Everyone snubs the Internet, but if I hadn’t what I found on the Net I wouldn’t even know the state and grade of my tumor.


Lovely past time; better than angst over vtuner outage, however inconvenient!
It looks HH as though HMS V is parked across your lawn with possible a golfer to represent Salisbury and therefore Naim hq. Time for a Naim jogsaw, which when completed could be “fraimed”?

The paper and your diagnosis prior to surgery wouldn’t incline me to feel pessimistic. Surgery was the right option, and TBH the next PSA and PET scan will be informative. I can understand the consultant not wanting to say too much.

Hormone and radiotherapy are indicated by the paper I mentioned. It just at the moment you’re not fully cured.



I’ve spent a few miserable hours during some breaks in the rain trying to sort out the failed chest freezer in the ‘garage’.

It started tripping the consumer unit over a week ago so I had to unplug it, and have been putting emptying it off until the weather improved, somewhat spurred on by the black bin collection tomorrow as 2 food recycling bins are full. Fortunately nothing was particularly rancid inside, managed to squeeze a lot of soggy veg into the compost bins, but meat products have largely gone into food recycling or black bin.

There will be a bit of disinfecting to do if I decide to see if it can be resurrected, but yet again it’s shown me how useless we are using chest freezers, only grazing from the top and never getting to the food at the bottom - same problem with the one in the house.

I don’t think they hold as much but am looking to get an upright freezer in the new year as at least with one of those we’ll know what’s in each drawer. Starting to think freezers are something of a false economy too.


How are things today ?

best wishes


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