Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Best wishes. We had a major house fire some years ago and it was all difficult, until we had a good insurance loss adjustor and it became positive.


Working for you or the insurer? I only ask as the only household burglary claim we had was a nightmare.

It was the insurer, which at the time was the Halifax.

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Good to hear, the loss adjuster for CIS we had was awful, I had to go to the ombudsman to get things resolved.

So sorry for your experience. Ours was nuts, well insured, then people dont realise the costs involved and the levels of what needs doing.
Ended up good, eventually, but took six months.


Thanks .

It probably coincides with me being a bit OCD on detail and having every receipt they needed for high value items, it just took me ages to find them all being something of a hoarder with lots of the stuff in storage.

They might have found it odd that I could list all CDs stolen, but that was only because I’d ripped them all and could pinpoint lossless FLAC or AAC rips to the source CDs unlike online purchases which were then generally lossy.

You try to be honest and comprehensive in your submissions but it goes against you it seems.

Hah, also a bit of a saver.
Still haven’t cleared the loft many years on!

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We have heat and hot water. All good. Just need to test the bath in the main bathroom to ensure the pipe from that doesn’t also have a leak before the surveyor appears on Tuesday. Think I’ll save that test for New Years Day.


So pleased for you, messy and stressful but it could have been far worse


PS it had to be at Christmas time didn’t it?

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Just back from the local hospice charity shop. A nice 24 cd haul which filled in the gaps of my U2 collection, the Pogues and a nice blues double cd in gold lacquer of Sonny Williamson, Big Bill Broonzy and others. Now down to the ripping.


Yesterday afternoon spent a fruitless hour on a quad in a neighbour’s field with the non farming daughter, two nieces and niece’s husband plus bro in law and sister in law trying to recover one of my daughter’s tups (a Shetland - short legs but with a surprising turn of speed). This morning was spent helping bring it and a bunch of the neighbour’s sheep a mile down the lane to our yard to separate the tup out. He’s now being sold on Tuesday, serve him right for escaping :joy:


Zhukov for rent. By the hour.



We already have three sheep dogs so not sure another one would be sensible.

And we just had round 3 - farmer C’s sheep (one) in with a bunch of farmer D’s sheep on farmer D land. Had to corral them all, grab the errant sheep and come back home. Hope that’s the last of it


It will be all AI soon Tim and robot sheep dogs……what could possibly go wrong.


The sheep will still be incredibly stooopid and have the main aim of dying


What about a Drone or two with AI control and big dog eyes!


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Usually a fan of Ricky’s but I found his latest Netflix outing a step too far, making fun of child sexual abuse and the predators about as funny as a fart in a wetsuit. Think his lost the plot.


I think they might use drones in Australia unless I have imagined it

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They do, we often seeing them. They’re also using drones on beaches to spot sharks.


I haven’t watched many of his shows, just a couple on Netflix and his ‘After Life’ series. He seems to me to be using just the degree of cynicism that’s effective against the pervasive hypocrisy of our time. Just my opinion, of course.

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