Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Nope. I work in the customer service in a cycling shop.


Automatic watch winder…:wink:

Just priming fuel pump cradle washers.


Spent yesterday afternoon being MRI scanned, last done about 20 years ago I reckon.

The NHS is fantastic!



I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been in one of these…

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Apparently there is a shortage of radiographers so extra equipment in general is not the most important issue.

When my prostate became a problem 7 years ago I got the scan the day after seeing the consultant. I had to wait just over a month to get the results.

I agree about the NHS.

Hope all is well for you.


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Thanks for telling us this story. It’s great to hear of someone overcoming difficullties in these very challenging times. He deserves all of the praise which, no doubt, is coming his way. In addition, I’m pretty sure that Mum and Dad deserve a lot of credit too.

Well done Team Halibut!

Best wishes,

Brian D.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply. It’s graduation in just over a week’s time; a week that also includes our 38th wedding anniversary and a significant birthday for Mrs HH. Our lives are generally pretty quiet and it’s strange how things all happen at once.


Last time I had a full immersion MRI scan I had Cliff Richard on the plastic headphones. Presumably to help me relax.

I actually like the bonkers sound of the MRI machine like some weird industrial noise band.


Same. I found it almost relaxing. Metal Machine Music.


I declined the music and opted for the ‘Metal Machine Music’, which I agree is strangely enjoyable. It takes your mind off ‘I must not move my head’!


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I have only had one MRI scan, three years ago. I’m not claustrophobic but found it a very unpleasant experience.

My scan was in a mobile scanner in the back of a lorry at our local hospital, as the wait for the hospitals fixed scanner was too long. I was told that, excluding the lorry, the mobile scanner cost about £1.5m!

I was expecting something from a James Bond film. Large & humming quietly & open at either end. Instead, it was small & extremely noisy, open at my feet end only & vibrating violently all the time. I am 6ft 2 inches tall and there was no more than a couple of inches above my forehead to the ceiling. Had it not been for the headphones playing my then new CD of John Mayer’s Sob Rock, which I could only just hear above the scanners crashing & banging, I would have had a truly dreadful time.

The thought occured that I was living the nightmare of being buried alive in a coffin.

Of course, when I came out I had to pretend that it was no problem at all!


I just close my eyes and plan whatever bit of work I’m doing tomorrow. I’ve only had one scan where I had moved my head and they had to redo it.

I get an ‘intermission’ while they inject the contrast dye :slightly_smiling_face:

No music or clanks and bangs these days. :confused:

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I’ve had a few scans recently and have another PET scan scheduled in a few weeks. Found the last MRI on my head quite difficult and claustrophobic.


Having being diagnosed only a few years ago (I’m 54 now), I know how much of an enormous effort it takes for someone with ADHD to achieve this type of thing. I can only top my hat in admiration and say well done and hope the best for the future.

We are driven by interest and dopamine, and so it is a constant struggle, with many ways to fall off the wagon along the way.

As you’ve no doubt understood, a good support network is key.

Thank you for sharing.

My best.


Is it used on customers who won’t pay? :wink:

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A lovely bit of kit, especially now it’s cleaned up.


Yesterday, with a little help from a friend, I removed the front struts from my son’s car. The offside damper is totally shagged, and appears to be the one originally fitted to the car some 16 years ago. Th nearside damper had been replaced at some point.

Needless to say removing 16 year old bolts was a whole bundle of laughs. The pinch bolts in particular put up a fight. Very heavily corroded.

Today I stripped and rebuilt the struts with new dampers and top mounts.

Struts refitted to the car and as soon as the replacement pinch bolts arrive (they were supposed to be in the stockist last Thursday :frowning_face:) we may be ready for Thursday morning’s MoT.



Nice work, just the stuff I like to see. :+1:


Clock just back from service :slightly_smiling_face:


Actually four days, but resolved in the last 24. Dearly beloved’s Ignis dash information panel has been flashing and beeping every 100 yards, but no warning message.
Read the manual a dozen times, called the AA, nice man came and connected his box of tricks, said it checked 187 things and the only error was tyre pressure, so he pumped them up. Was busy until late yesterday, so drove it again, still happened, checked tyres with my guage, all significantly high, so dropped the pressure and reinflated until they were spot on. Still happened.
Phoned dealer, just pop in when you want.
He’s just phoned, the tailgate wasn’t latching properly, guess what doesn’t trigger a warning message unless it is completely unlatched!