Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours


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In the Guildhall?

Congrats to the lad!

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Wonderful Nigel. Congratulations to all of you.


Yes, and very hot it was too. The last time I was there it was to see Joe Jackson.

Did a few concerts* at the Guildhall several decades ago, classical as well as rock. More recently, Bill Bailey, and my wife’s MBA graduation.

  • notably Black Sabbath with RJD - my ears “rang/buzzed” for three days after that one!

We have a very old one with the seed dispenser - I’ve always felt that the seed dispenser design leads to some asymmetry of heating evident on the top of the bread, but haven’t had the basic one to compare - time to dust the old Panasonic and try again methinks.

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So it was off to the new Physiotherapy department which to my jaundiced eye looked and acted much like the old Physiotherapy department.

Pleasant woman with no good news to impart. There is little to be done apart from some mild stretches and an intensification of the co-codamol regime. I pirouetted a couple of times for her and she saved me from falling over.
Amytriptoline an oft used discomfort deadener is not tolerated by my central command. I was hoping medical science had kept up with my needs and a new miracle pill was waiting for me.
I will get an appointment from the balance and something else(probably well being) clinic.
So grin and bear it. As I said to my daughter to be 80% well at my age after the cancer is a real bonus.


The one I’ve been using for the last 5 years had a seed dispenser, never noticed a problem with uneven heating. Although I quite often close the dispenser after the seeds have dropped.

The new machine has a yeast dispenser, which is not central. The loaf I made with the new machine had a dense structure on one side and open structure on the other side which meant the bread was falling apart on that side. I put this down to possible uneven distribution of the yeast.


I have Panasoniced for several years.
I use the Allinson dried yeast granules but at times of high humidity the bread can be rather dense and unrisen in parts. If the atmosphere is really sticky as mother would say try setting the timer for an early morning bake.
Your loaf looks fine.

I have discovered the better the flour the better the loaf. A large lump of butter in the bread pan strangely improves the loaf flavour.

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We’re on our third or fourth Panasonic. It gets used twice a week. Mostly “French Bread” style. I think it’s “good enough”

Agree with Nick about flour; Sue buys it from various millers. We also use Allinsons yeast, and I alway throw in a (large) knob of butter.

Thanks, I’ll look into how the humidity effects how the bread rises, sometimes I get a perfect loaf, sometimes a brick shaped loaf.

Usually, the inconsistency occurs in the summer. I’m in the process of baking a loaf, I noticed after the needing stage, the mix was not as solid as I’d expect it to be.

Time will tell.

Turned out ok after all :slightly_smiling_face:


Yesterday, before the boy’s graduation, we popped in to the Wetherspoons by the Guildhall. They were selling Greene King IPA for £1.79 a pint. I know Spoons is cheap, but that’s really cheap. By contrast, I had a pint of Siren Lumina in the Fullers pub in Gun Wharf, which cost £7.50. The Siren is an infinitely better beer, but four times the price is a big difference.


I find the key to a good Panasonic loaf is fresh yeast. I now use the sachet packs which seem to keep fresher than the small tubs.

Also a small measure of this is my secret ingredient.



Do you have a favoured brand? Is the fresh yeast put in the bread pan at the start?
I would probably have to purchase at Amazon from where I learn it will live in the freezer.
I used to buy a knob from the local baker when oven baking.
Sourdough I find a bit too much of a faff.

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I use these and put the yeast in the yeast dispenser.

The rest of the ingredients all go into the main container.

Since using the yeast sachets I have had 100% success over the past year.


Yesterday I received a lovely parcel in the post, all the way from Sweden, with a brand new BMR drive unit for the Ovators. If there is a god he must be watching over me, although he did take his time.:sunglasses:


Whats the story Tony? How did you manage to find new BMR drivers?

Getting older is not for wimps

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Gaza, I put the S400s for sale on another site and someone saw it and said he had a spare one if I were interested.
So I thought about it for 3 seconds, we talked and the rest is history. Really nice chap, really happy ending. My faith in humanity has been restored.