Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Wow Max, that must have been a terrible shock. I’m glad you came out of it so well, and that nobody else was hurt. Take time to get over the shock and adrenaline, and take care.


Glad you are OK. You might think - as I did (when I ran into the back of a lorry, at speed- *) - that your car saved you, so just buy another one…

(* - It was on a Motorway, quite near my house, near the end of a long journey. I hit the back of a lorry, due to a moments inattention, in the middle lane. I then slid across across the inside lane, hitting no one, then ran up the embankment before stopping. Photos below.)

And yes, I did buy another one…!


Wow Ian, that looks bad. I’m glad the crumple zones did their job and you got out safely, I hope you weren’t too banged up.

That was a few years back now (July’14). The cars shell was bent. If you look here, you can see the drivers door is out of line.

The was was written off… :expressionless:

I did salvage the mats from it - which are still in my present Scirocco…!!!


They’re lovely, unfortunately my Alfa driver lost an arm, probably in a high speed cornering accident - sorry Max!! (Glad you’re ok btw) I loved the Alfa as it had a lovely deep grumbly engine note, I wonder did they tune the sound / resonance of the body to suit the cars, all mine had a unique sound. The bike was fairly useless as was driven by a rubber band which seemed to slip a lot so it never really got going properly.

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Holy sh*t, that is something… I shouldn’t even have posted my pic. But it was just to say what I did in the last 24 hours.


What was really annoying was I was within about 2 miles of home… :open_mouth:

That Scirocco was a 2 litre TDI with the DSG gearbox and about 170 hp…!

I replaced it with another one, but that was ‘only’ a 140 hp TDI, with a 6 speed Manual box.

Annoyingly, that one also got written off, about a year ago. This time a lorry turned into me. Not much damage, was at vey low speed. But my insurance wrote it off anyway.
I hate lorries… :articulated_lorry:

But… I was not defeated… I bought a 3rd Scirocco… Whith is Petrol 1.4 litre Turbo - with ‘only’ 120 HP and the 6 speed Manual box.

(Yes - my VW mats have been in all 3 cars…)


Got confirmation of my place on the Recreational Welding course starting Tuesday evenings in September.
Started procuring the mandatory PPE. Ordered overalls and gloves online. For the safety boots I decided to try the farm supplies shop in Gleno. Found a boot that looked like the shape that would fit and asked for a 45.
Being a farm supply shop there were no comfy seats to sit in as I tried the boots on but leaning one elbow on the counter I managed to wrestle one on. Once on it was an excellent fit and I decided to take them.
Being a farm supply shop there were no comfy seats for me to sit in as I attempted to wrestle the boot of my foot. After attempting multiple techniques in a standing position I accepted that there was only one solution and, sat on the floor, with much grunting, the boot popped off. Have to say the young girl serving me did an excellent job of containing her mirth.
Been wearing them about house and garden today. Very comfortable and becoming easier to get on and off. Off now for a beach walk test.



Willy, hats off to you for managing to get up👍


Glad you walked away from this one Max.


Just back from my monthly clean up of the roadside where we live. It’s only about 100 yards or so but it does seem to attract an awful lot of rubbish thrown from vehicles, probably because it’s in a bend and it’s quite wooded. It’s the usual mix of high energy drinks, alcohol, vapes, and fast food packaging (remarkable considering the nearest McDonalds is about 20 miles away). 22 cans and bottles of alcohol, including one large vodka bottle and a wine bottle. Oh yes, and a “Zara” jacket looking a bit the worse for (tyre) wear.


Good demonstration of civic pride there @Richard.Dane. The council should pay you, or give you a discount off your council tax. Well done that man!


Good for you Richard. My wife tried to complain about parents who threw litter on the way to the school where she worked. Headmaster told her he was not interested in creating conflict and asked her to refrain from harassing parents.
I told her to retire, she did………the School still did not get it when she said she was leaving because of the complete lack of discipline.
One headteacher who did intervene got attacked with a broom and ended up in hospital…….the parent complained her daughter felt she was being told off too often……this is a primary school. They know no wrong, so throwing bottles out is nothing to them, i fear it will only get worse.


I’m sure Councils don’t have the resource for such things. My view is that if those of us who are willing and able all do a bit then we can carry the weight of those who are not quite there yet. My hope is that by continuing to keep the roadside clean, some those who have been throwing out stuff on the roadside will notice and gradually it will dawn on them that it’s better to dispose of their rubbish properly. The alternative is do nothing and just accept that it’s OK, when really it’s not.


Sorry to hear that Gazza. Education is so important, and not just at school either…


I admire your optimism, but in the case of littering I don’t share it. Mrs. G and I, along with others, have been doing similar things in our neighbourhood for over a decade and the problem of littering just gets worse. Oh well, like you we’ll keep on tidying up. I know there are many locals who appreciate the effort.

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People are just plain lazy there’s no excuse. I nearly got beaten up asking some young guy to pick up his rubbish. He later came down the road trying to run me and Diesel over. Cops got them about an hour later charged him multiple offences.

There should be large fines but I’m sure councils here and the uk don’t have the resources. Good on you for cleaning after these pigs.


Let’s face it, essentially the human race is a clear case of a lost cause.


Although I kind of agree, where I live now In the French countryside, the local commune is pretty hot on cutting verges, clearing the forest walks etc and the local farmers keep their access track cut and cleared. It creates an environment that no one wants to spoil. It is occasionally spoilt by the summer tourists littering but we the locals will alway pick up the odd discarded can or cigarette pack. Luckily they are few and far between.
I think more care taken by local councils to keep the place tidy can help.


Bad news about the accident but great news that there were no casualties or major injuries. I hope that you recover soon from the aftershock of the incident.