Things that make you feel old

My feet seem to be getting further and further away….


One of my most brilliant and respected colleagues on a previous assignment usually ordered a bottle of Sauvignon blanc for breakfast.


I’ve taken a photo of things on a menu I can’t read and then zoomed in! that made me feel proper old…


Went out for 60km on the bike with my son yesterday - for the first time he hammered me up some spicy hills in Dorset.

…he’s 15😖


Must get back on the bike (my lovely Pace RC2000 mtb) soon…I think I’ll notice how long it’s been.

My job is pretty active and physical, lot of lifting, carrying and stairs, not much sitting: since I turned 68, it now takes me a day off doing nothing to recover from the aches etc - and let’s not talk about feet :scream: :laughing:

However, a few consecutive double espresso’s work marvels…


Neices and Nephews getting married is always a shocker.

Remembering how Telex works.

But the biggest for me is this weird thing where I measure time in movie release years. For example, Apocalypse Now was an old classic movie when I was enjoying it in 1995. But as a 16 year old film at the time, in relative terms, The Lord of the Rings trilogy is 20 years old and I think of that as being brand new! Any movie since The Matrix is recent in my head.

So don’t get me started on my Bladerunner 25th anniversary director’s cut that actually is 40 years old this year.

Literally not recognising that fat grey, mostly bald git in the mirror doesn’t help. In my head I’m 14. That guy looking back is ancient.


Yes, all the vinyl is in the dingy part of the poorly lit shop rear in a cramped space in boxes which are either awkward to reach or require flexibility that’s long gone to get down knees bent to peruse, assuming that is the vinyl is not so tightly packed that you have to take a batch out to flick through.

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Bought the Director’s Cut yesterday , remember seeing it at the cinema , when it first came out.

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Both come together. Don’t they? :slight_smile:

Having a pinched nerve in my neck and being off work for three weeks, still not fully recovered, probably did it lifting something too heavy for my old body.
Telling someone my CD player was on the blink.
Hating anyone calling a record a vinyl or vinyls.
Remembering the betamax vs VHS war.
I could go on but now need a nap.

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Every hair cut reveals a little more grey.

I find that every haircut reveals a little more pink, hence my donation to my local barber, last week.

Senior (Over 65)

Haircut 30m / £13.00 … … … … … … … Haircut & Polish 35m / £15.00

Picture 1


I decided to grow a pony tail, simply because it’s now or never .

Funnily enough it has upset my Daily Mail reading neighbours , so I’ve decided to keep it .


I’m a cheapskate when it comes to my hair.

£12 set of hair clippers.

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During the first lockdown my hair got so unkempt I asked my daughter to use the clippers to give me a mini mohican - just for a laugh of course but I quite liked it so it stayed.

I can remember some old dears at the local park gasping and making some snide comments as I walked past. Surely they were alive in the 70’s?

It went the night before my mother’s cremation, she never had the opportunity to comment (I’d waited around 18 months for the funeral).

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As a young man I was always told I was an old head on young shoulders.

Also an old soul…

These days I like to pretend I’m a young soul on young shoulders.

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Somebody once told me I (and a male friend ) were old souls from Ancient Egypt…maybe I should have married her. Or not… I’m not sure

When the pilot flying the airbus is younger than your kids……


I stopped going to the barbers years ago for the same reason, what annoyed me most is they’d still insist on grabbing their mirror and showing you the back of your head.

Now use a electric razor at home and have gone for the Telly Savalas look minus the lollipop.


This is going to make lot of us feel old George Jetson born yesterday 31/7/2022, bugger EVs won’t be long till we finally get flying cars.

(PS I did wrongly post his birthday early this year)