Things you shouldn't say to an audiophile

Yebbut, just suppose I’m right :laughing:

I always put a 5 pence on the needle

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Wont jump now. :+1:t2:




An old penny piece is best - 1904 is the best year.

Which side up though?

NSC222 is better than 252…with movies, music and video games!

In fairness it did help certain albums ‘jumping’ :scream_cat: :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

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That’s inflation for you! Used a tuppence when I was a lad.


Hopefully counterweight fully adjusted to compensate!

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Look at that, so thats how you can play both sides at the same time!

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True story from a decade ago. Came home one afternoon both floorstandong speakers (on Skeet at the time which are super slidey on wooden floors) were pressed up against the rear wall and both facing 90 degrees left.

Me: what happened?!
Mrs. FZ: “Oh nothing. Why are you accusing me? All I did was push them out of the way with the hoover


Up Britannia - sorry, Britannia up, of course.

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Ethernet, obviously!

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