This could only happen to me... Super Lumina upgrade path

The only big (i.e. worth the money) improvement I heard from Super Lumina was from the speaker cable, so if anything, that’s where I would start. However, I would without without doubt save the money towards a 300DR in preference.

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Please listen very carefully before opening your wallet.

I was convinced the SL DIN to DIN would be a good idea just because it substituted the plastic rings on the Hi-Line for nice alloy ones, but I preferred the Hi-Line when I auditioned. The Super Lumina was nice and quiet and smooth, but lost vital instrumental texture in my system. FWIW it was the same with the Chord Music (or at least I think that’s what it was - their tope of the lien at the time).


@razzzor1963 - Always. No question.

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Agree, depends on system, likely desire for further upgrades and listening. For me in my system the £1500 on two additional redlines (XLR and speakers) hugely improved my streaming quality from the 222 (who would have thought) and balanced it more with my TT. So happy now where I am. £1500 was affordable but another 8K (at least) is not.

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For £1500 I would get either a pre-loved Supercap or an nDAC…

Just a matter of finds the ‘right’ one, for me… :thinking:

Looking at your system I think an nDAC to replace the CDX2 plus a streamer (or a CD transport) to feed it. I didn’t the CDX2 to nDAC switch (with same XPS2) a decade ago and it was a clear lift over the CDX2 - but again some prefer the greater ‘boogie’ of the CDX2 at the expense of a bit of detail.


I also wouldn’t be spending big on cables when there’s clear inpovements to be had elsewhere in this system.
Only one i had reached that level would i start looking at expensive cables


BUT the OP has a very nicely balanced OC system (ex perhaps speakers, but I don’t know those as well) - any change is going to be major - to NC or 500…

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Except that the partner to the 252 within Naim’s product range is the 300.


Well kind of, but outside marketing the Power Amp really needs to be chosen with a view to what speakers are being driven… in some cases a 250 to 300 wouldn’t be a good value upgrade.


So the OP would be best hearing options, and not just buying expensive cables because he/she can (unless of course already heard and convinced).

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of course but that goes without saying. I never said ‘buy cables’ regardless - I just said it can be a good option.

I would look at different speakers first. Obviously, i don’t know what room conditions you have, etc. But i feel better speakers would bring out more that this system has to offer.

Also, just to add
Going for the xlr cable, well, if you do decide to go for the 300dr to match the 252dr, then this is no good anymore.
As your speakers only have a narrow frequency band, will this better speaker cable also be able to show what it can do? Your speakers only go to 16 khz max?

Again, just questions i would be asking myself.
But i guess in the end only you can decide, but i would certainly try all the cables if that’s what you decide is best for you and see if any work for you, rather than buy blind hoping for great things.
I know speaker hunting is a right pain, but it’s where i would be going. As you have standmounts, i would probably start with, say, the kudos 505 and see how you got on.


that is what I did myself, after going full loom superlumina, I am happy with my 282/HCDR/250DR… upgrading black boxes is quite expensive also.

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But what is far from clear is whether the OP thinks the same! The original tone suggested itching to just go and buy!

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Thank you everyone for your comments.

I live in a small space, so I am a low level, near-field listener. At this point in time I have no interested in changing any of my black boxes. That being said, I would upgrade my XPS DR to a 555 DR if the opportunity arose. Also, I thought about upgrading my NAP 250 DR to a NAP 300 DR, but the NAP 300 DR (while I agree would be a significant upgrade) introduces another black box, as well as a few more cables. To be honest, I like the simplicity of the NAP 250 DR.

After upgrading to the 252/SuperCap and finding a Naim Fraim on the used market, I became interested in the Super Lumina cables. I live in Canada, and the Super Lumina cables are very expensive here. Also, in Canada, they rarely show up on the used market.

I ended up purchasing a Super Lumina 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect, a Super Lumina 4pin DIN to XLR interconnect and Super Lumina speaker cables (5m pair). All the cables are used, and all the cables were purchased at very nice prices. If I do not like them, I will be able to resell them without losing very much money or I can trade them in at my Naim dealer. If I do like them, I will be able to sell my Hi-Line interconnect and my NAC A5 speaker cables.

The first Super Lumina to arrive were the speaker cables (5m pair). The difference I am hearing is not “night and day.” Music is more neutral without any loss in dynamics. I am also hearing an improvement in Pace, Rhythm and Timing. Also, the high end/treble is smooth and calm, and the soundstage is wider and deeper.

The Super Lumina speaker cables add refinement to the Naim sound.


Given the context sounds like a great move.

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Really interested to hear your impressions once you’ve installed the full SL loom.

Great to hear you’re enjoying your system.



Have heared them once, also against SL - would be my preferred choice