This could only happen to me... Super Lumina upgrade path

Why not? Wires do matter… sadly but yes.

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It would be interesting hearing a 300DR setup with say Lavender or Hiline DIN DIN vs a 250DR setup with Chord Music. I’m not so sure 300DR would sound better…

And still NACA5 is your choice? Or are you planning to look into speaker cables again?

Oephi is back in my system here. A wonderful cable indeed. Naca5 is hiding a big amount of details for sure. But it has its strengths too.

Naca5 is fine! There is so much detail here.

I had both din-din and din-xlr tested against original (lavender) naim cables.
Both had the same results:

  • original ones a bit more harsh but very rhythmic
  • SL very clean and energetic with more detail but a bit lean and less rich.

Someday I will test SL cable. Full loom might bring a benefit- but currently like the naca to be more rich

Have you tested SL DIN-Din against Morgana. I have done so - bought a Morgana. Morgana is good but was too dark in my system. Preferred the lavender over Morgana. SL was very relaxed and easy playing. A sound I remember from the Vertere speaker cable. No wonder - SL and Vertere a similar cables.

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Stick with superleema. Dont be swayed with other makes if you want to keep the naim sound signature.




Found a picture of Super lumina speaker cables I found interesting. Looks like solid core center with around 12 thinner wires surrounding it followed by a shield.


Super Lumina update…

I did some critical listening to my set-up (NDX 2/XPS DR > NAC252/SuperCap DR > NAP 250 DR) with the Super Lumina Speaker Cables (5m). The speaker cables have upset the balance of the system. There are improvements (bigger soundstage, better Pace, Rhythm and Timing), but the midrange is recessed and the high end/treble is dull. Music is no longer emotionally engaging - it is too smooth, too polite, homogenized.

Luckily the Super Lumina 4pin DIN > XLR Interconnect “saved the day.” The interconnect immediately brought the system back into balance. It restored the classic Naim sound.

Together the Super Lumina Speaker Cables (5m) and the Super Lumina Interconnect (4pin DIN > XLR) have taken my set-up to the next level. Music is detailed, controlled and balanced.

Surprisingly, the Hi-Line Interconnect (NDX 2 > NAC252) is holding its own. I am excited to hear what the Super Lumina 5pin DIN > 5pin DIN Interconnect will bring.

[Note: I did not try the Super Lumina 4pin DIN > XLR Interconnect + NAC A5 Speaker Cables in my set-up.]


That photo is a bit blurred. What looks like it could be a thick wire surrounded by some slightly thinner ones is in fact several bundles of very fine (silver plated copper) wire.

As I indicated, the Super Lumina full loom is the trick :grin:.



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That’s one blurry picture. It’s like those pictures of :flying_saucer:. Always blurry. Must be those aliens sending out signals scrambling everything.

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Maybe spent all money on HIFI and use a DORO phone.

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You should try with naca5 … will be interesting how much you loose vs gain

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I was using the same electronics apart from the NDX2 which in my case was a NDX with a Hi Line interconnect had the Super Lumina speaker cable on demo they were good but possibly not as good as I was expecting. I spoke to my dealer and he popped out and changed the Hi Line for a Super Lumina interconnect I could not believe how well the two worked together such a difference.

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Super Lumina update…

For a few days I enjoyed my set-up (NDX 2/XPS DR > NAC252/SuperCap DR > NAP250 DR) with the Super Lumina speaker cables (5m), the Super Lumina 4pin DIN to XLR interconnect and the Hi-Line 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect, but the Super Lumina 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect arrived, so it replaced the Hi-Line.

The short version:

The Super Lumina 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect is an upgrade (in build quality and performance), and the Super Lumina full loom is absolutely wonderful. It is everything I hoped it would be. The soundstage is massive and three dimensional, the treble is controlled and refined, the low end is rich and detailed.

The Super Lumina full loom is extracting a level of performance out of my electronics and speakers I did not think was possible!

If purchasing a Super Lumina full loom is not possible, I would recommend buying (because a preamplifier and a power amplifier work closely together) both the speaker cable and the 4pin DIN to XLR interconnect. If this is not possible, I would recommend buying (because the source is “more independent”) the 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect.

No product is perfect. The most obvious criticism of the Super Lumina cables and interconnects is the price. Yes, they are expensive! My only other criticism is the “grey to source, black to destination” orientation is too subtle.

The long version:

My set-up is simple, but getting my set-up right is not simple.

My Digital Front End: A modem (plugged into an Audioquest Niagara 5000 power conditioner) > Chord Epic streaming cable (3m) > Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series ethernet switch (plugged into an Audioquest Niagara 5000 power conditioner) > Chord Epic streaming cable (1m)

Source: NDX 2/XPS DR with Naim stock mains cable (plugged into a wall socket)

Streaming Software: Naim app (Android) > Qobuz music service

Preamplifier: NAC252/SuperCap DR with Power-Line mains cable (plugged into a wall socket)

Amplifier: NAP250 DR with Power-Line mains cable (plugged into a wall socket)

Speaker Cables and Interconnects: Super Lumina full loom

[Note: I tried a Power-Line mains cable on the XPS DR, but I found it bright. I have a bright room (hard wood floor, high California style ceiling, large windows), and I have always found the Power-Line on the XPS DR bright. It brings too much energy to the high end. In a treated room or a less bright room I think the a Power-Line on the XPS DR would be fine, but in my situation, at least for now, the XPS DR’s Power-Line is back in the box.]

Here is where it gets weird.

When I added the Super Lumina 5pin DIN to 5pin DIN interconnect to my set-up (and completed the Super Lumina full loom) the soundstage collapsed and dynamic clamping was severe. I am exaggerating, but my set-up sounded like an FM radio!


I did not panic. I sat down, and I watched a movie.

I thought about my front end: a modem, a switch and two streaming cables. As mentioned above, the modem and the switch were plugged into an Audioquest Niagara 5000 power conditioner.

I powered everything down, and I made one simple change. I unplugged the modem from the Audioquest Niagara 5000 power conditioner, and I plugged it into a wall socket.

Problem solved!

Not one to let sleeping dogs lie, I plugged the switch into a wall socket, and it was “one step backwards for mankind.” Oof!

So to make a long story even longer… my Naim boxes and my modem are plugged into wall sockets, and my switch is plugged into the Audioquest Niagara 5000.

And it sounds wonderful!

I feel ten years younger!!!

[Note: I have other gear (home theatre stuff and headphone gear) plugged into the Audioquest Niagara 5000, so it’s not like I only have the switch plugged into the Niagara.]

Life is good! I am happy with the Super Lumina full loom. My set-up has never sounded better. It sounds “natural” and “more accurate” and “musical.” LOL

Is Bob Dylan an audiophile? He wrote: It sure has been a long, hard climb (“When I Paint My Masterpiece”).



Great experiments, excellent descriptions, and a great result.

Well done.

I’d be interested to know how you get on in future.

Have you posted a photo of the system?


JimDog, here’s the NAC252, the NDX 2, a Niimbus HPA US 4+ and the NAP250 DR on the Naim Fraim.

Behind, on an Isoblue Hifi rack, is the SuperCap DR and the XPS DR, as well as the Cisco switch.

[Note: The system sounds better without the top shelf of the Naim Fraim covering the NAC252; it opens up the soundstage a little bit more.]



Bravo, congratulations and enjoy your new system :grinning:.



That’s a great result. I had exactly the same electronics with a S/L full loom and with this description:

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I would upgrade the power supply to your NDX2 firstly . The 555 DR will take the streamer to another level . Then go down the SL path . 1