Tidal broken on all my NAIM streamers

It’s because the Tidal problem you mention Lindsay is not affected either way by the recent update for muso which only dealt with an inability to play Tidal MP4a files, so nothing to do with dropouts which Naim are looking at, at the moment…

I had some issues about streaming Tidal hi-fi on my Nac -N 272 pre in now one week
I have rebooted my router serveal times. Pulled out the main and so on with no results

In display it says stopped …playing maybe 2 tracks and then failed again

YESTERDAY i tried the factory setting menu
And afterwards it has played without problems …STRANGE OR …

I only had dropouts about 3 times, for about an hour each time.

But - to the OP/@Richard.Dane - I think the title of this thread may be a little confusing - perhaps it would be more specific if it had the word ‘my’ in front of streamers?

What did you do in the factory settings menu?

Agreed. Done.

Factory settings in the menu on your streamer
Push and the streamer Will go in factory setup

Sorry, my mistake, I was thinking of the Tools Menu.
So you returned the entire streamer to factory settings.
Fair enough - then just remains to set it back to your preferred settings - e.g. disabling the USB port, setting a max volume, turning off Wifi, etc.

Yes exactly Jim

I was trying and very easy to give it a try. It
Works now !

Maybe there has Been A bug in the streamer which has fuc… up everything

Damn streaming -:slight_smile: and Ethernet

Ok, the problems don’t stop. I thought i was lucky
About the factory settings. That was only for A short time …:tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

My NAC 272 still crashes with Tidal. i ‘m frustrated

Why, anybody WHO Can Tell me ??

I have version 4.6 on my streamer…

Is that problem only with Tidal together with Naim??

My network connections is ok and speed …

See this thread:

Upgraded the firmware this afternoon to 4.7.0 and this has fixed the problem 100 % . Nice !!!

The only sadness in this thing is that Naim hasn’t told about the issues clear enough i think about
the streaming problems. Look at this thread … it tells everything

Hi @Fischer, have a look at this post on another thread where they describe the issue and fix.

(Edited to fix link.)

thank You

I have tried all kind of things…rebooted, restart router, new router installed . pluged out the main, factory setting
nothing helps … until i tried the new firmware 4.7.0

Nothing in that explanation from Naim tells somthing about that
That was my dealer who said that…Not Naim

That’s strange i Think

I suspect that this is just coincidence, as Steve H posted that Tidal had made changes at their end which others have reported have solved the problem for them.

I’ve been using uPNP and radio paradise pretty much exclusively and weighing if Tidal is worth trying considering I have a lot of bases covered already.Is Tidal reliable or is this recent bout a one time thing? I’m not even sure if I can use Tidal, I don’t see the input in input settings on my SU.

on the naim app normally.

It the firmware up to date? You need 4.4 or later, and make sure the Tidal input is enabled in the app input settings.

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And if you are on 4.6 then you need to have got there via 4.4, but you can go directly to 4.7 without going through 4.4.

Ok, that’s weird, I thought I was running the latest and was only running 4.3. All up to date now and have the Tidal input. I’ll check out the trial sub and see how it goes.

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