Tidal login issue

There is clearly an issue which is affecting everyone in this post! You are not alone. Hopefully as Naim UK wake up, they will be able to address the issue.

I have tried on both iphone and ipad.


And then Tidal US to wake up 5 (or 8?) hours later …. Unless 24 hr support.

Emailed Duncan this morning, told him my Valentine’s Day dinner playlist was ruined and I want compensation for not getting laid


Can also confirm that Naim app on Android is logging in fine.

So if you have issues, until this is fixed you can use:

  • Naim app on Android device (if that option is open to you)
  • Or Tidal connect straight from the Tidal app on any device.

The same issue happened yesterday with my German account for TIDAL.

Earlier, (I’m in Sydney Australia) I sent a message via Tidal online letting them know of my issue but as usual, a “48 hour reply” seems to be the norm…

This is probably not an issue Tidal can fix. Log an issue with Naim support.

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I contacted Tidal and they requested some info, getting this problem attacked from both sides of the fence may help, here is my reply to the list of suggestions and questions they sent:-


As requested I have already performed the steps below with no success:-

Could you be so kind as to take the steps below and test again:

  • Make sure your firmware is updated at the latest version :heavy_check_mark:
  • Force close and restart the app.:heavy_check_mark:
  • Clear your cache.:heavy_check_mark:
  • Uninstall and Re-install.:heavy_check_mark:

Following the above actions here are the details requested:-

If it persists, please provide us with the information below:

  • What type and model of device are you using?

  • = Problematic item is a Naim NDX streamer

  • What operating systems are running on your devices?

  • = I use Apple products (iPad + iPhone) - all running the latest iOS 17.3.1

  • What is the exact version number of the TIDAL app running on your device? (You can find this in the TIDAL app under Settings)

  • = Version 2.101.0, build: 5991

  • What is the model and firmware of your Naim device?

  • = Naim NDX running firmware 4.8.00 (latest firmware)

  • Are you using WiFi or data connection?

  • = Data connection (Ethernet cable/wire)

  • Are you able to use the TIDAL app directly?

  • = Yes, works fine when used on its own through iPad/iPhone, but will not connect to Naim Ndx via native button on Naim app

Once we have this info, we can provide next steps!

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It seems to me that it’s a Naim App issue as i can login to Tidal using their App.

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It is a naim app issue. I have no issues with tidal on Roon app or Lindemann app. Contact naim.

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Excellent! Thank you for this.

I too have tried all of those and these would all be my exact answers (except mine is a uniti atom).

Looking forward to what you hear.

I get a slightly different error this morning. Ends in error 2 instead of 4. No idea why.

The errors will have different meanings internally in the app implementation.

This just means the Naim app did not properly catch and handle these apps to display a more readable message. Could be that Tidal is changing things on their side after being contacted by Naim. But the point is that the error code number will be meaningless to users of the app. Just means there is an error for a reason and that reason is only clear to the developers.

Indeed, only the developers will know what the error means. Just interesting that it changed.

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Can only hope that signals some progress in fixing the issue.

I can confirm this issue has been resolved by the Tidal team this morning; this was not a Naim iOS APP issue.

If you try to Login now you should no longer see the error message.


Confirmed. Great news. Thanks.

I made the wrong assumption above.

Thanks for letting us know and indeed it is working again.

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Yippee !

It’s now up and running :slight_smile: