Tidal Max not working

Some news from Naim?


When I use Tidal with Airplay on the App the label indicates that the sound is in Hi-Res. Possible?

I think Airplay2 is limited to 24bit/48kHz

But I could be wrong, the world moves on.

Tidal likely showing Max as the iPad is the rendering device and is capable of 24/192.

When you use Tidal Connect against a device which doesn’t support Max, only High, such as naim streamers - Tidal is smart enough to show High is being played.

Thought I even heard Tidal over AirPlay 2 is 256k acc just like Apple Muisc while Qobuz, Amazon, and Deezer are at least CD quality because they play over older AirPlay 1 transfer.

Found it:

However, if we pull up a CD-quality stream from Apple Music on, say, an iPhone 13 Mini and send that stream to a WiiM Pro Plus connected to a hi-fi system, the stream will be AAC compressed by Apple Music’s iOS app before dispatch. That’s because the Apple Music app, according to Brother Thomas, operates in AirPlay 2 mode. And so too does the Tidal iOS app.

Qobuz users can breathe easy. The French streaming service’s iOS app (at time of writing) runs in AirPlay 1 mode. So too do Amazon, Plex/Plexamp, Soundcloud and Spotify, again according to Brother Thomas’s research

AAC 44,1/96kbit/s on naim app with TIDAL, nd5xs2-ndac with no HD light turn on = playing 16/44.1 flac? I’m a bit confuse.

I asked Tidal support when it will work to stream high res files via Tidal Connect and got this response: Hi Johan,

Thank you for contacting TIDAL Support.

We appreciate your reaching out to us so we can clarify your inquiry.

Let us kindly inform you that, at this moment, we do not have a specific date for this next big change in our platform. But we can confirm that the update implementing this feature will be released really soon, later this year. To find out as soon as possible about this change, we recommend you follow us on our social media, where we will be able to announce changes in the application and services!

Kind regards,
TIDAL Support


Wow this statement contains interestingly conflicting information … “no we have no plans for an update yet, but it will come out really soon” :joy::+1:t2:

Having said that, I offered myself for Beta testing purposes as I own just about every subscription to just about every streaming service combined with all Mu-So 2nd gen and Uniti Atom devices and both IOS and Android platforms …. Alas, no response from Naim whatsoever :scream:

Maybe @Paul.B can assist?

@Paul.B Hi Paul, see my previous post above. I applied a few times, only to get complete silence from Naim. Not sure how else to get in touch with you guys :slight_smile:

Send a message to beta at naimaudio dot com. That should do it. Do bear in mind that they might feel that they already have sufficient beta testers.

Aside from Apple Music to the homepods we have dotted round the house I’m pretty new to streaming and am currently running the Qobuz and Tidal free trials to my NDX2.

Given my experience of Tidal’s clunkiness and all of the misery outlined in this thread versus Qobuz seamless integration with my Naim setup, I fail to understand why anyone would use Tidal :thinking:

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Naim’s 1st generation streamers (anything apart from the current Unitis (Atom (HE), Star & Nova), NDX2, ND555 and the NC 222 and 333) do not have native Qobuz support. Tidal was retrofitted into the code and we were told there isn’t capacity in the old SW to add Qobuz.

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I have both Tidal and Qobuz. Whilst much of the music available on both is the same, Tidal has a better range of somethings and Qobuz a better range of others. There are plenty of tracks in my Tidal playlists/favorites that simply aren’t available on Qobuz and visa/versa. I don’t mind paying for both since I’ve cut down considerably on my physical purchases since adding these subscriptions :-).

I’d be interested to see if Tidal reduce the cost of their “premium” offering to match Qobuz. When they were offering only MQA they could (possibly) justify the extra amout because of the licensing costs, but now it’s hi-res flac vs hi-res flac. Tidal does come with 3d audio, but I’m not interested in that apart from the novelty :slight_smile:


Normal Tidal on muso2 and ndx5s works great

Tidal Max is working perfect for me in Hi-Res MQA on my NAD C658 and in Hi-Res FLAC on my Lumin P1 streamers.

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Yes, a number of vendors have released firmware supporting Tidal Max recently.

We’re currently enjoying Max via our SMSL into office SuperUniti. Jury out on MQA, but 24/192 FLAC is generally awesome. Hires via Tidal Connect is great.

Hopefully naim can turn out a firmware which supports Max this side of Xmas. But it’s not desperate, many tracks don’t improve with Max, all seems to be down to the masters (and not just a lame up sampling to tick a box).

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hi which SMSL is this?

yes the original recording must be done in a hi res format or (analog tape and a fresh remastering done in hires) otherwise it’s not going to improve.

The only hardware capable of this (taking a 44.16 bit signal and improving it) anyway is the Chord Hugo Mscaler and it seems also DCS (but I have not heard it)

We’re using an SMSL PO100 Pro USB to SPDIF converter with iPad to get hi res into naim streamers at the moment.

This will be our long term solution for SU, fed by RPI.

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