Tidal not behaving……

…………on my Qb. Intermittent stop/start, say every minute or so. Radio working perfectly.

Any ideas chaps?



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Check you are on the latest firmware.
Reboot router - wait 5 mins
Reboot QB.

See if this fixes it.

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Same problem on my NDX1

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Started last night

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@Guinnless thanks will do. @Keltik seems a Tidal problem.

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Same same NDX. Start stops every 10 seconds

Similar problem here on a Uniti.

CD it is then😁

Been listening to Tidal for the last couple of hours and its working perfect.

Also problems on a Superuniti since Thursday evening. Stutters at the beginning of songs… Using Bubbleupnp works fine.


I too have a superuniti, mine is doing the same thing. I try playing Hard To Love by Betterjoy, which just will not play without stuttering. Time to get rid of this Naim junk I think. My Bluesound Node X which is plugged into my Superuniti plays Tidal tracks WITHOUT ANY ISSUES

Do you have the latest firmware on the SuperUniti? It should be 4.8.00

And have you tried taking the power off the SuperUniti, wait a minute and then connect the power again?

I’m getting stutters at the start of songs on a 1st generation Qb, playing Chris Stapleton’s new one. I’m going out now, I’ll unplug the Qb and see if that clears it when I get back. Although as it seems to be a reasonably common issue that’s just started I’ll also page @Stevesky for when he’s back from hols in case it’s an interaction between Tidal and 1st gen streamers.

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I have 4.8 and have tried everything, wifi and hardwire, install app again, powercycle router and notSuperuniti.

Listening to Tidal Hifi+ on my Bluesound Node X as we speak, all i need now is a pair of ADG The Audions job done. Bye Naim

Probably worth emailing Naim Technical Support then. If enough people do, then they will likely ask the developers to take a look.

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Yes David, latest firmware and booted all devices. Did not change it.

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I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent Naim app update?

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No-one reported any issue with Tidal during beta testing of the new version of the app.

I am having a similar situation with Nac-272. Tidal keeps dropping when you get to the end of a track or when you skip. In the Naim App the Nac-272 drops out and then my device reappears. Takes about 10 seconds between tracks. It has just started doing this so dont know if it has something to do with the new app update. Tried all the usual reboot of network etc. I have even taken it back to factory settings but still the same issue


Ticket raised, I sent a link to this thread in the message.