Tidal not behaving……

Yes seems to be working.

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Sounds like another Tidal balls up…….

Now working. Had to power cycle NDS to establish internet connection. Thank you to all those involved in getting it fixed.

A bit off topic but does this mean Tidal is now streaming hi res to Naim streamers and no firmware update is needed to listen to it if not on 1st gen?

Ah ok, thank you for the effort! A while ago I downgraded to Tidal Hifi so cannot test myself. Just waiting for Tidal hi res to be supported to drop my Qobuz sub.

Maybe I’m experiencing a placebo , but tidal does sound a lot better to my ears. Mmmmm :rofl:

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Well, praise the Lord; my ND5SX and Tidal live to play together again another day. All good news. I agree, it would be good to know where the problem lay and how it was resolved.

I received this response from Tidal earlier today: “Since you are using TIDAL through the Naim app, unfortunately we are unable to access Third Party Interfaces and we are unable to assist, so please contact Naim Support so they can help you with this. Please note that we can offer support when it comes to the TIDAL application directly.”

So while audio Armageddon may have been averted temporarily, there is a feeling that we are living on borrowed time as with each revision (or upgrade as they like to call it) we get a step closer to our kit being rendered obsolete. If only because those helpful people at Naim suddenly find that there isn’t a quick fix to be done.

I think, for a service like Tidal, there are way to many customers on hardware that need FLAC 44.1 Khz and that wont change soon. They would simply remove themselves as such a large contender if they just drop this segment. IMO Audio Armageddon won’t be happening soon in terms of serving a consumable audio stream for older devices.

And it does seem that when Naim reported the issue to them they worked closely with Naim and fixed it, so they aren’t dropping support.


Yup, at the end of the day they want to make money. And kicking a top manufacturer in the jewels won’t contribute to that.

And as reported by @jmtennapel (I think, if I have misremembered the user my apologies to jm) above he found other manufacturers suffering, so it was hitting a larger number of users than we saw here. Most of whom would unsubscribe from Tidal if the service kept stuttering.

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My update from Naim support: “ can confirm that Tidal is actively addressing the issue based on the latest update they provided. If you’re noticing a reduction in the problem, it a good indication of progress on Tidal’s part. However, I must emphasize that we haven’t received an official all-clear from them at this time. I will provide further updates once we receive confirmation that the bug has been resolved.”


Tidal is working perfectly again on my Uniti mk1. Thanks for all the comms and for the fix.

Same, all good on my Uniti2, automatically going to CD quality and playing streams fine.

I still have this problem, or have had for three to four months. I know my network connections are fine. It has never been stable. Nac 272, happy to listen to advice if it exists.

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You get this if you have the app open on say a macbook and at the same time try to open it on a smartphone or vice versa. Are you sure you don’t have the app active on more than one device? That means closed and not minimised (the dot under the app in MacOS means it is just minimised, not closed)

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Hi Blackbird… thanks for your reply. I only have my Naim app on one device, exactly where my screenshot originates from, i.e. my iPad. I don’t have the app installed on other devices. I also find it strange that I always get the message that there is another app open. There isn’t…

A quick check late today and Tidal on my ND5 XS no longer has blips or long delays between tracks. So hopefully all fixed.

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Android or iOS Peter?

I get this every now and then on my Samsung.

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Same here on my NDS.
Sometimes once a day. Sometimes once a week only.

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