Today, I was so bored, I

I had the NAT 03, CD3, Flat Cap, NAIT 3 (converted into pre amp) and matching power amp, with LP12 and Ruark Sabres. Your second system really took me back

Still think you need an Axis though…

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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Today I was so bored I sharpened all my chisels.

Now all I need to do is pop in to the builders depot and buy some timber…oh wait…



Oooh I’m loving that unit - Parkside is it? Might have to buy one of those.

Yep, Parkside from Lidl. Was so cheap I couldn’t not buy it. There’s an adjustable slide for sharpening chisels but it’s rather rickety, however the diamond coated wheel is pretty good if you use it “by eye” then finish on the Trend sharpener.


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A reason for a lot of my Lidl purchases. I recently bought a Parkside Dremel? equivalent complete with matching accessories, still looking for a use for it :bangbang::bangbang: but I have not yet succumbed to welders face mask — it could be more useful in these current times …


logged back in and posted

Tried opera?

Here’s an opportunity: Just discovered that New York Met is streaming an opera a day during the lockdown. Free. (Donations invited). No idea of quality. This link includes the programme for the coming week:

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…made Old School chocolate Rice Crispy clusters for the kids…and me.


We call those chocolate crackles, big favourite with our grandkids.

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Not so much bored as other things occupying my mind causing a lack of motivation.
This afternoon, I moved.
Last year my spider plant had babies.
I offered to pot them for a friend to use at a school fundraiser. Obviously on hold
This afternoon I potted 36.
On Wednesday I had noticed that the mother plant had sent out a new shoot. This morning they shoot had grown 8 inches.
Its spring, it’s nature, it’s a new beginning.
I shall attempt to nurture the plants until I can hand them over.
During the 90 odd minutes I was doing this, I thought about the poor nurserymen and garden centres who most likely will have to compost this seasons plants.
Best wishes to them.


Did some ‘sketches’ of my favourite artists!


Reading, eating, napping… Wife’s outside gardening. Dog is watching the street for delivery trucks to bark at!

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Painted the kitchen.

The job has been long overdue, we bought the paint 2 years ago!


Funnily enough, I also indulged in some painting of the kitchen today and yesterday. I normally avoid painting like the Coronavirus, but they have become bedfellows for many of us.

I’m told that my local B&Q and Srewfix are only supplying white paint, because it is only allowed for emergency use. What rubbish is that. What difference does it make if you buy pink paint or white, whether it is an emergency or not? And apparently not selling cement and sand - so no emergency refitting the ridge tiles…

I haven’t been myself, though I was wondering about trying to get some essential garden supplies, like horse manure or compost, lawn maintenance products etc, but maybe they’re not available…

I wouldn’t want to cause any undue panic, but painting one’s windows with white paint is a decades-old piece of advice for a certain type of civil defence. I’m sure B&Q don’t know anything we don’t…

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My windows are a nice shade of dark grey, and are not paint (or PVC), so white paint would be hideous!

I washed my car this morning, this afternoon and after dinner. Looks pretty dirty I’ll probably wash it tomorrow morning. :thinking:


My car gets a wash once a year, or twice if lucky. Not sure why Coronavirus would make any difference - but it some exercise for the mechanics wouldn’t be a bad thing…

I washed my car last night. Can’t do a thing with it today.