Trading it all in

If I wanted to do this test om my system. What should it achieve to pass the test? Thanks!

as they say over on the new classic forum…

the New Classic NAP 250 is better, stronger and faster than the NAP 300 DR. The New Classic NAP 250’s superiority in areas such as bass grip, speed, punch, dynamics over the NAP 300 DR are apparent.

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One notable dealer I believe :roll_eyes:


Is it? In what way (I just plugged mine in and it seemed fine!)


It will be fine of course but to get the magic a 252 can deliver…

Make sure the burndy and snaic follow eachother (sounds easy), two stacks really made mine exceptional

I couldn’t possibly comment - save to say that I have the relevant cable to try one of my NAP300s with NSC222 v NC250. Dealer ordered me one on Naim offer, which he will have when I have listened.
If I add into the mix a new 250DR from my av, using a Chord rca to xlr cable, a real shoot out!
My AV system is in a state of flux, recently arrived Kudos606s can be hooked up for the comparison.
I’m awaiting longer speaker cable, so it might have to be K20 rather than NACA5. Results will be posted c. new year.

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If you only go two box and a change attracts, audition will help you decide. My only caveat would be, I think NPX should be a serious consideration for NSC. I have started a thread on recent 300 demo, which started with NSC222. You may wish to read my conclusion, which is perhaps a little more realistic than some of the NC posts, albeit most of the demo was featuring 300 series, the sentiment applies. Just to suggest another option, having mentioned NPX, which is NSC222 + NAP350s - without NPX. You know where you wish to go, it’s another option at similar cost. I wouldn’t usually suggest anyone buying more than they intend. My rationale is that realistically, not so many, non starry eyed auditions have been done. Added to which with all the new boxes, many dealers have likely not had a chance to fully assimilate the “listened to”combos, particularly with 300 only recently arrived.
In context, I ordered NC unheard, very pleased. It is in kitchen / diner which is hub of the house, so on dawn to dusk. I have spent a few hours, auditioning it, once run in, with S400s. It reminds me of NDX/252/SCDR/SBLs that I moved on, nearly a decade ago. Hardly back to back, but it puts in context my comments here and on the demo thread.


Most importantly, your feet should tap, additionally the vocal harmonies of Sam Parton and Jolie Holland should be identifiable as distinct “personalities”, the tonality of the guitar, banjo and fiddle should be realistic (not aggressive or harsh) and the under-pinning double bass should be resolved, rhythmic and supple (not an indistinct mush).

It’s just a matter of taste, but so can I…

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My dealer has a 500 set, a NC 300 set and Statement in the same large, acoustically treated room. The NC300, at a first listen, sounds impressively not too dissimilar to the Statement… With all due respect.

If I had never heard Naim before, the NC would sound fantastic to me; yet, 202/200, 252/300 and Statement are still my preferred entry-, mid-, top-level choices. Just my taste, pointless post?


Thank you. I’ll give it go later on. I tried before and feet were tapping at least.

What was lacking with the 222/250 and those AE speakers?

It sounds odd the system couldn’t replay this song good enough. Maybe something else was amiss in that room?


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Correct and that’s why the Hi-Caps and Supercaps are so desirable/useful. I pointed this out here this time last year BTW.




But… the Classic ‘digital’ PS’s - so the XPS and 555PS - can power the NC units, via the various Naim ‘conversion’ cables.

So they remain very useful & flexible, I think… :thinking:

Just exchange your 200 for a new 250 and you’re home.

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if i had £5.7k!


My NC250s have been on for 3 days now .
They replaced a 300dr and 250.2s it’s already clear…to me…that the NC250 is FAR better than the 300DR. Stunningly so…
For clarity that’s covering mid which is from
128 Hz to 2400 Hz roughly in my system a critical area .


Sorry, but I cannot work out what your system was - and is now… :thinking:

Your Profile says 135’s and 250’s…?

Apologies I seem to have only updated part of my profile hopefully sorted .

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I wouldn’t take the comment with any confidence. The 222/250 has loads of PRAT. The OP should do a demo and if he gets on with the NC sound should trade his entire stack for the 222/250 and move on. Lots of upgrade options from there.

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