Trading it all in

It’s curious that the forum has gradually but clearly started to split into a bit of an OC and a NC “front”. Add to this that a significant number or may be even most in the OC club have not heard the NC (but some have recently acquired an OC or upgraded, or are just happy with it). Clearly, we all get into the temptation to justify our purchases. And then add the comments from some who have never even heard a Naim amp….

That’s why if you are interested, and before you buy even more OC boxes, I would encourage you to have a demo and decide your preference. The NC sound is different, clean, honest, yes punchy, fast and all very Naim too. (and … here I go justifying mine!!: )


The only time I have bought unheard, were when I bought what I regarded as known quantities.

I bought a pre-loved 72, on eBay, as a ‘spare’ - but I had owned a 72 (albeit an earlier one) before. Similar with my 140 - I had owned a 110. But all the Naim units in my ‘proper’ system I had heard before purchase, mostly at home with recent changes.

My 2nd HiCap was a partial exception - I heard it working - to confirm it ‘worked’ Nothing more. And it went off for a service pronto, as its history was unknown.

Most of my LP12 tweaks were unheard - based on the change being generally considered better - Cirkus, Kore & Lingo fall in this camp (*).

(* - JFCI - Just Flippin Change It…!!)

If you’re ok with three boxes NDX2/332/250.3 should be a very good upgrade

Lower noise floor , greater clarity , more punch ,more musical . Looks amazing ,what’s not to like


either of these options:
– replace the ndx2/282/napsc/hicap with the nsc222 - streamer plus preamp in one, and still use your 200 with the correct legacy compatibility cable.

– Or swap 200 for a new 250, and the correct legacy compatibility cable to connect to 282/hicap.

mean i have to find £7.4k…but i can swap the lot with my dealer for £2k…

Agree i have a great system … but reluctant to spend £2k in a (discontinued) nap250/300 upgrade when i can change it all for that price… that’s the dilemma i guess.

Add to this that a significant number or maybe even most in the OC club have not heard the NC!

Well said. that’s my point - offering opinions on NC vs. OC kit w/o having heard the NC kit!
Demo is essential tho.

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I’d make sure of demoing NDX 2 / 332 / NC 250. When I heard that combo at my dealer’s it really didn’t sound right. A 222 / 300 / NC 250 combo sounded much more coherent and musical. Neither my dealer or I could understand why though.


You might need to add an NPX 300 to match the SQ of your current system. It makes a big difference to my ears. Then the gap in price is nearer £8K!


I’ve heard the NC series, both the 200 series and 300 series. 5 boxes to two is very appealing but like others have noted, I’m not sure you’ll be happy.


Indeed the right kind of customer, just walk right in here and pay please. :disguised_face:

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@PerF - What I wrote was this.


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I can highly recommend a 252 and then perhaps a 300 to drive your lovely SBLS Alley Cat. I like the look of the NC, it has really grown on me, but very happy to stay with this classic OC system.


AC as someone with NSC222 + NC250, this may help. You already have some nice kit, unless you absolutely wish to minimise box count, on a vfm basis, with a SCDR, there are a few ex dem 252s around, see if you can locate one. A northern dealer has sealed box 250DRs available at half the cost of a NC250. Why do I suggest? My NC boxes were an upgrade for Nova, very specifically and I have commented elsewhere, adding a NAP to Nova is not satisfactory, so easiest option for me, but expensive. The OC kit is not broken, unless it needs servicing then it is still great. The two boxes would be half the cost, likely better sound with NDX2 and 252>250DR, than NC option. I’ve only briefly heard NC222 with PS, but I would recommend audition, it adds quite a bit. The only issue might be if you don’t wish to sell your NAP200 privately, but a dealer might take it. Visually the NC is ok, if OC is more to you taste, ymmv. Hope that helps a little.


@SoA you may be interested in my comment to AC in the post above. Great though the progress is with NC, on a vfm basis, for the next short while, there are some dealer bargains worth tracking down. For a different system, I have just bought a sealed box NAP250DR at half the price of a NC250. Is it only half the “quality sound”? Unlikely!
For those who already have separates and had intended to change or replace one or two OC units, vfm v. new boxes, the getting swept up in the excitement is understandable, listen at leisure, perhaps w/o the chatter?


If the price to change is give your entire system plus £2k, then that might be a compelling argument. However I’d listen first to ensure happiness once the 2 boxes are at home and the other 5 boxes are gone.


If it is “only” £2k, then I would suggest, not only a comparison, but unless a third box is absolutely out of the question, a comparison should be also be trying a NPX300 with NC.
That may be v revealing on what’s on offer, ymmv.

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I was really impressed when I demoed the 300DR passive, trouble is I’m running active SBLs so might need a pair - part of the reason however that I got the SNAXO 242, simply because I could potentially run different NAPs with that unlike the old NAXO.

I’ve never had the opportunity to demo a NAC 252 at home, I think by all accounts it would have been the ideal next step, unfortunately I’m not quite ready for that at the moment.

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thanks…v. interested to hear from an NC listener. i’m in discussion with my dealer about options. As i posted above, reluctant to spend £2k on a (discontinued) nap250/300 upgrade when i can change it all for that price… that’s the dilemma i guess. A third box … hmm not yet. Personally, i really like the new style… brings naim up to date and in line with the muso-2 and qu-muso-2…(i have both).
A demo is the next step!

I went to a NC demo event recently and listened to the 222/250 with AE Corinium speakers. The system failed the test of The Littlest Birds by the Be Good Tanyas quite badly. Another customer who went into that dem room after me was upstairs to listen to the 300 system almost immediately.

I would agree with those advising you to tread carefully.

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i would consider a 252 bearing in mind you have a supercap, only thing is…its a bugger to set up!

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