Transfer from HDX to iPhone

Bit of a simple one this I guess, I’m setting up a new phone, rather than the faff with iTunes is it possible to transfer music directly from my HDX to my new phone ?

In the past I’ve used either VLC or HQ Player to import and play music on an iPhone. That includes music stored on a Unitiserve, so essentially the same as an HDX.

If I recall correctly, you can use windows (file) explorer to access the files/folders on the HDX and then drag them to the iPhone. I used the iTunes interface to access the iPhones music folder but it was pretty easy. This was on an iPhone 8. Things look a little different on my iPhone 16 Pro.

You can also use iTunes to load files in a VLC-compatible format (most useful for non-Apple-compatible video formats).

Chris, you seem to be the go-to guru with all things Naim, I have a problem with my HDX; it won’t shut down. Any thoughts ? It’s was serviced by Naim about four years ago and I’ve just purchased a Uniti Core so didn’t really want to spend money on servicing the HDX again prior to selling it - and wouldn’t sell it with a known problem.

Did you follow the correct shutdown procedure as described in the manual?

Yep, been following that procedure for ten years, my concern is that we have a couple of power cuts every few months - after the service Naim put a note in saying ‘always shut it down properly’ - sounds like they may have had others with the same problem - the power cuts may have impacted ? I was hoping to transfer all music onto my Uniti Core and then try to find some kind of ‘restore to factory settings’ or reset section in the menu - but thought I seek expert advice first

You don’t need to restore or reset it. If it’s stuck on and won’t shut down, then you will have to just turn the power off and then after waiting for a minute or so, turn it on again. Likely it will be fine when it restarts.

The reason for the complicated shut down procedure if that the HDX is basically a windows XP computer and you can get errors on the hard disk if you turn it off without the proper procedure. A power cut does the same thing. But you may be lucky.

The simplest way to transfer your music from the HDX to a UnitiCore is to define the Unitiserve as a Music Share in the Core settings, then use Import Music in the Core settings to bring it all across. Then you undefine the HDX as a Music Share in the Core Settings and at that point you can turn the HDX off and sell it. Transferring the music takes quite a long time. Depending on how many albums you have, you should think of a number of hours.

Fantastic help, many thanks, very reassuring for novices to know there are people on this forum with experience and knowledge willing to take time out to provide help. Most grateful.

(I was looking at a Land Rover owners forum a good ten years ago now, the abuse thrown at people asking questions/seeking help was appalling - I did NOT sign up !)

David - I think I’ve followed your instructions- the transfer seemed to be going OK but now it seems to be stuck on track no. 65 of 17200 !

Any thoughts ?


I was thinking maybe delete that album from the HDX and see if the transfer progresses. I’ve tried to re-start the import already but it just goes back to displaying ‘65 of 17200’

If you know what track it is then deleting that track (or that album in fact) on the HDX is probably the next thing I would try.

Will do. (I’ve been at this ALL afternoon - still can’t get the HDX to appear on the network so no chance of using windows file explorer to do the transfer - hey ho)

I think you need to turn on the SMB1 service in your windows pc in order to see the HDX on your network. It’s always turned off by default these days for security reasons, but when the HDX was designed it was what was used and Microsoft never patched windows XP to run SMB2 or SMB3.

Just deleted album, restarted everything, now stuck on track 44 of 17178 (assume deleted album accounts for the difference between 17200 and 17178 tracks). Do you think there could be a ‘time out/standby’ thing causing the problem ?

No there shouldn’t be any sort of timeout. Do the tracks work if you play using the HDX (I forget whether you are able to play albums on your HDX or not). Also I am wondering whether you have a failing hard disc on your HDX.

Another way to approach this is to leave your HDX as a music share in your Core and then look in the Naim app for your Core or a Naim streamer if you have one and then try to play different albums from the Core’s share (the app doesn’t distinguish between what is on any store if can see). Do they work?

Yes, the HDX works just fine really (apart from the shutting down issue). If got an NDX2 to use as a streamer so I’ll try what you suggest tomorrow - thanks for sticking with me.

I’ll keep an eye on the thread tomorrow. Good luck!

Wow - something now going very wrong, can’t even get to yesterday’s stage of a failed transfer of files ! Via Focal/Naim app I can’t even make the changes to the music share/music store settings I did yesterday - I think I best contact the retailer

Did you try a power right off restart of the Core and a restart of the app?