Trying to get going with a ND5 XS 2

I’ve used a Hi-Cap DR on a NAIT XS, XS2 and Supernait 2. I’d get a SN2 (or 3 if you’re flush) instead of putting a HiCap on the XS. I found the Hi-Cap added control and minor timing improvements to the music but it sounded less musical and engaging to me whereas the SN2 and HiCap get on nicely in my system and it helps keep the bass under control better.
Beyond that I’d spend the cash on a better source, in my case I’d go so far as to run the SN2 bare and swap in an NDX 2 with a PSU in preference.
Put simply in my setup at least, I found the XS integrated amps I owned sounded at their best without an external PSU.


Yep. All points taken. Thanks again guys!

I’ve got SN2 with neat motives. They don’t need more drive as anything over 9 o’clock in the dial is really loud. Found putting the speakers on granite slabs improved things over just having the spikes in the carpet.

Thinking of getting a hi line for the ND5SX2- at present using a custom made silver interconnect from Greece…

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I use a Hi-Line to great effect on my ND5 XS 2. As a comparison I swapped it out for the stock lavender lead the other night using the mute button on my XS2 amplifier. Needless to say it lasted no more than a couple minutes, the Hi-Line went straight back in.


Thanks Stephen, might have to pull the trigger on one

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All the classic ‘trio’ albums are worth getting. Musically and aurally lovely.


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an info: do you keep the digital inputs on the nd5xs2 app settings?

Hi Andrea,

I turn all of mine off apart from the server one and Tidal. I have anything I don’t use simply clicked to the off position. As for sound quality? I can’t hear a difference but just happen to like keeping things basic & functional…

ok, thanks, i keep them on because i send the sacd …

On a inquisitive note : i’m now left wandering what adding a n-DAC would bring to the party. Has anyone out there tried this with their ND5 XS 2 yet?

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it will be probably like apple vs orange…

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Get the NDX2.


It’s an itch you want to scratch. Started with CD5Si and Nait 5Si. Things change … lol

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There was a huge amount on the old forum about using a separate DAC as an upgrade to a Naim streamer as an alternative to a PSU upgrade. The NDAC was the main contender until the Chord Hugo knocked it off the top spot.
Given that you can now pick up an NDAC for under a grand (and a Hugo for under £600) it might still be a very cost effective upgrade if you like what it does. Considerably cheaper that upgrading to an NDX2, too.

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it’s not sure that nd5xs2/ ndac will be better, by a real step, to the nd5xs2 bare. Better try before.
It may be just different.

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My guess is that it would sound better overall, but whether or not it produces a sound that any individual prefers is another matter. There have been a couple of NDACs sold on ebay recently for less than £800, so I’d say it could be worth a punt.

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I still have CD5si and NAIT 5si - i’m Very reluctant to let this pairing go. I seem to have this ridiculous urge to want a trio NAIT family, hence my conversation with my dealer about NDX2 & SN3. However as Chris has quite rightly pointed out, there have been some nDACs going real cheap and this has slightly swayed me. I must be going mad!

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When I home demoed the ND5 XS2 before purchase, I tried it at home with my then Chord Qutest as a friend recommended I try it. Initially liked the sound for an hour or so, then reverted back to a bare ND5 which sounded…
Can’t quite find the right words, but I enjoyed it much more in a nutshell.
My plan is listen to an XS3 in the next few weeks and stop there.:slightly_smiling_face:


‘Stop there’.

A combination of words rarely used on this Forum!


No Geoff, it’s regularly used on the forum. Followed 6 months later by “I am thinking about…”.