Turntable light

Nothing fancy but it works. Apologies for the crap photo.

So what is it that isn’t fancy. Sl-1200mk2, cork/rubber mat (trying that as well atm), feet aren’t original, and what’s the tonearm? Any other mods?

The thread title was about a turntable light. Thats what I was referring to.
Other mods … SME M2-9, Mike New bearing, MCRU PSU, Isonoe feet, strobe disable.

When you reach my age, 70+, eyesight comes into the issue. I have a Lyra cartridge with a bolt at the front except its offset. This at the start caused cueing problems and if you took the bolt as a guide the stylus could drop off the LP. Only once!
I bought myself a cheap pencil torch and now use this if playing a whole side. Not a problem: playing an LP is a bit if a ritual anyway. Hate bright likes when relaxing to music.

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