Turntable with integrated amp

Not a steady hand here :innocent:

I just push the arm to the start of the album and lower the stylus using the lift and lower mechanism built into the arm. It would worry me using a finger lift to lift and lower the stylus onto a record, I would end up with a lot of scratched records 🫨

I’ve just heard back from my local dealer, he said he was told by Roksan yesterday that they’ve completely pulled out of the turntable market and won’t be making anymore. Hence why they’re discounting their existing stock through the dealers.


Wow, that’s a shocker if correct :flushed:

If Roksan have pulled out of the TT market it shouldnt be a major problem the kit is guaranteed for 5 years, so support should run for that long at least and there is the third party market.

Great bargain for a nice TT. I think IF I were to move on from my DG-1 it would be to an MG. Currently happy with the ‘extras’ on the DG1 - the challenger PS and redline power in particular are a massive uplift. Next up will be a cartridge (dark sabre) and maybe an isoshelf.

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That’s sad news. I liked the Tabriz/Corus combination I ran for years. Maybe with the loss of Touraj Moghaddam they didn’t have a technical leader to carry development on?

As a stop gap solution I’ve bought myself a Technics 1500SL, but taking the advice from this forum I’ll probably upgrade to a higher end with external stager when I’ve demo’d a few options.

I’m using the internal amp of the Technics going directly via decentish RCA cables into the analogue ports on the back of my Nova PE. I’m probably doing something wrong but I’m pretty underwhelmed by the sound of the vinyl. I’ve played a couple of new remastered LP’s and the sound quality is noticeably inferior to the same track played on Spotify though the same system.
The bigger problem I have is when I crank up the volume past a certain point there is a horrible distortion sound which doesn’t go away until I’ve dropped the volume down significantly. I’m unsure whether this is down to the limitations of the internal amp or whether its some sort of feedback issue. It sits on a solid oak unit which in turn sits on a wooden floor where the speakers sit.

I really want to get back into vinyl but I’m not wanting to throw big sums at an upgraded cartridge/stage/turntable if the sound quality will be noticeably inferior.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, do you think it’s the cheapish turntable I’m using or something else which is causing me the issues?

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That’s a tough one, and disappointing to read. Given your description it sounds like something is not right though. Was it bought new? If so I might ask the dealer to comment on the distortion issue. I’d also be surprised if the Ortofon Red stock cartridge sounded terrible and lastly I’d also be surprised if the inbuilt stage was a poor SQ match for that cartridge i.e. I’d expect it to be appropriately engineered for the cartridge price point.

I run a 1200G and the SQ is excellent vs a mk1 Chord Hugo fed by a Primare NP5. I don’t want to recommend throwing good money after bad, but I found a very large difference investing in a new phono stage. If you can borrow a decent one it might be worth a try to see if it’s the inbuilt stage limiting things. Maybe after a bit of troubleshooting your existing setup.

Edited to add: Whilst it’s a relatively “cheap” (it’s still a c. £1k turntable!) turntable into an expensive streaming amplifier, I would share your disappointment if the SQ was as far apart as you suggest

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Have you got a mate with a good turntable or a shop near you?

If you take your Nova (and ideally Technics) to a shop and attach it to (say) £5k+ of turntable and phono stage, you can hear how it sounds versus your Technics.

If that level of TT sounds indistinguishable from your Technics, and/ or pretty poor against streaming, that may tell you vinyl really isn’t satisfactory for you.


If its a Technics 1500C turntable its a pretty fine deck and should easy sound better than Spotify.
There’ might be something wrong in your setup as you describe “distortion”.
I hope your not using the 2M Red cartridge (sometime bundled) as its not a joy.

Make sure to setup TF and AS correct or get your dealers help if you don’t know how to do it.
Deck on 100% level surface.


You’ve definitely got the switches and leads connected correctly? Any chance of a photo of the rear of it?

There are two sets of RCAs and a switch on the back, RCAs should be connected to line out, and the switch to “on” I think. And huge apologies if that’s obvious!!

Photo from the Technics website

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Thank you wonderful people!

@gthack Yes it’s connected via the line out with the switch on. @PerF I am using the 2M red cartridge, I appreciate it’s not the most refined but would I really get night and day improvement using say the 2M blue for example?

Think I’ll go back to basics again and recheck everything. :frowning_face:

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I used to run a Roksan Corus Blue, a Goldring compatible cartridge body. There was a thoroughly enjoyable uplift going from 1012->1022->1042 stylii. But I think before spending more money double checking setup, tracking force etc is a very good idea. Best of luck sorting it out!

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I’ve re-collaborated everything and it’s sounding much better!

Not sure if it would have affected things but I noticed the tone arm adjust lever was in the unlock position, now fully in the lock position!?

I’ve attached a picture of my setup, the dreadful din I was getting when the volume went over 50 has been entirely remedied by switching the subwoofer off. I’m guessing that the vibrations from the REL S510 on the floor may mean that I can’t use it with the turntable with it’s current setup?

First vinyl I’ve listened to in over 30 years!!! it’s a very different (an quieter) sound than digital even though it apparently get re-digitised on the Nova.

Time to build up my vinyl collection after giving my old collection to the charity shop a few decades ago :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:


You mean the height adjust lever that allows the arm height adjustment?

Not that it matters if things are sounding good now 8) Enjoy your Technics!!

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Thanks yes that’s the one, looks slightly different on the 1500 model! Thank you for all your help.

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