Unhappy with the new NAIM update

All off gives a somewhat bland presentation in my system


You need to boost those sleepy Italian boxes with lots of NDS noise and pushy Neotech :smile:

(taking cover :rescue_worker_helmet:)

Yep! Trying to infuse some of that famous Naim distortion.

… or slightly worrying that they’ve created something so flaky that it’s susceptible to things that really shouldn’t change the sound?

I’m really not sure… :man_shrugging:

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From Naim App (running ND5XS2).

Which inputs should I turn on/off?

These are what I presently right now use.

I’ve been exploring this as it is having too much effect with my system than it should - but it does and I have some patence!

Recent discovery was they all interact so it is not just finding a setting on/off is better but that a particular permutation works better than another.
I use Tidal so that is ‘on’ - testing with loacl-stored CD-rips.
So only 9 factorial (362,880) to try! :see_no_evil: :exploding_head:

So Digital 1 on right now and all others off and Server Mode and Spotify back ‘on’ - none of which I use.

My test track ‘Heaven’ from this:

The bass is a good tuning-aid as I flick the inputs on/off and it is clear what tightens it up or makes it flat - and the vocal improves with the bass as I tuned it.

I have other favorites I verify with after - all good so far. :bear:



No one knows for sure. I’d suggest that you try each one yourself. It’s going to be trial and error I’m afraid.

Interesting counter-perspective. Perhaps since a system involving electrical signals is used to present (hear) a given electrical signal, it becomes increasingly more difficult to resolve greater detail without making the system sensitive to its own operation. Definitely thought provoking.

I’m half expecting someone to reveal that deleting all the radio presets improves the sound quality. Or maybe having specific stations as presets is even better?

Edit -

I guess I’m left wondering - if resetting the streamer ‘improves’ things, what did the update mess up?

Or even - will it execute the code the same way twice?

And the answer to that is probably ‘no’…

Well this one jumped the shark lol, certain inputs turned off improves the sound. suurrre bud.

Make sure to use the black naca5 cable it sounds better than the white.


I recently (last week) replaced my non-Naim digital front end with a 333 and this thread has me quite concerned. It sounds great and it’s currently on the previous version. I am staying put until this is issue is resolved, or I am moving away again.

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Is that a golfing term?

Stray if you wish. Your call obviously. But please remember some of us remain ecstatic with how our systems now sound.



I find having surplus inputs on or off makes no difference to the sound quality whatsoever, so i only have the ones on that i use. I only have an NDX 2 as source so earth switch set in default mode. I’ve tried switching to float, no difference, so i keep it in default setting.


My autocorrect seems to think so :grin:

I have spent a considerable amount of time optimizing the 300 series system (speaker positioning, cabling, racks, etc.) and I am extremely happy with my sound at the moment. Rolling the dice on what is seemingly a significant sound signature change does not sound like fun to me right now.

He he, all the same here. All unused inputs are off and grounding is on default. ND555 sounds superb. I do think the the bigger Naim systems with the large power supplies can sound a bit glassy when driven hard (for want of a better word), but I’ve taken “measures” to address that.


Sounds ominous…! :rofl:




Hello Stevesky,

My Nova currently streams a US internet station titled ‘River of Calm’, which I can’t locate in the current database. It’s flagged for deletion so can it be re-entered?

Many thanks!
