Unhappy with the new NAIM update

I’m half expecting someone to reveal that deleting all the radio presets improves the sound quality. Or maybe having specific stations as presets is even better?

Edit -

I guess I’m left wondering - if resetting the streamer ‘improves’ things, what did the update mess up?

Or even - will it execute the code the same way twice?

And the answer to that is probably ‘no’…

Well this one jumped the shark lol, certain inputs turned off improves the sound. suurrre bud.

Make sure to use the black naca5 cable it sounds better than the white.


I recently (last week) replaced my non-Naim digital front end with a 333 and this thread has me quite concerned. It sounds great and it’s currently on the previous version. I am staying put until this is issue is resolved, or I am moving away again.


Is that a golfing term?

Stray if you wish. Your call obviously. But please remember some of us remain ecstatic with how our systems now sound.



I find having surplus inputs on or off makes no difference to the sound quality whatsoever, so i only have the ones on that i use. I only have an NDX 2 as source so earth switch set in default mode. I’ve tried switching to float, no difference, so i keep it in default setting.


My autocorrect seems to think so :grin:

I have spent a considerable amount of time optimizing the 300 series system (speaker positioning, cabling, racks, etc.) and I am extremely happy with my sound at the moment. Rolling the dice on what is seemingly a significant sound signature change does not sound like fun to me right now.

He he, all the same here. All unused inputs are off and grounding is on default. ND555 sounds superb. I do think the the bigger Naim systems with the large power supplies can sound a bit glassy when driven hard (for want of a better word), but I’ve taken “measures” to address that.


Sounds ominous…! :rofl:




Hello Stevesky,

My Nova currently streams a US internet station titled ‘River of Calm’, which I can’t locate in the current database. It’s flagged for deletion so can it be re-entered?

Many thanks!


You need to delete this from this thread and put it on the one for internet radio if you want it to be seen.

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Thanks very much HH. Will do!


So I was one of those people experiencing annoyance with the high end of the spectrum after installation of the latest FW. As promised I would try some things to see if it would make a difference. At this moment I have performed the next steps:

  • Updated Audirvãna Studio
  • ND5 XS 2 factory reset
  • New battery for the laptop running Audirvãna
  • Disabled inputs that were not in use

As a result I now have a sound that I like quite well. Piano sounds much better now. It’s less harsh in the high than before, although I notice that I still brace myself a little with some parts. So I’m still not listening as relaxed as before, but I have to admit that the music sounds very impressive from time to time now.

So I have decided that I will give this a fair chance for a while, and see if I get used to it to an extent that I will listen to my set up more relaxed.


Some of the issues being described sound like they could be tamed by adjusting speaker toe-in (toe-out if possible to reduce hf) and proximity to rear wall (pull forward if possible to reduce lf). Often slight adjustments can make quite an appreciable difference.

Apologies if this is teaching one’s granny to suck eggs (Albeit I never saw mine doing that).



It’s not just people with 555. My 333 also is still overly bloated in the bass. No cable solves this and before the update it was tight now it’s just boomy on so many songs.

All the suggestions that Naim support have given such as reset aren’t helping at all.

The longer I have this issue the more I’m getting fed up with this streamer. Everything sounded awesome before the update. Now, no matter what I try, the bass resonates so much and room modes are being triggered constantly. I plugged my old Blousound Node 2i into a Qutest and it actually sounds better than my 333 with updated firmware.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous, as we all paid crazy amounts for our streamers that now now are being overtaken by solutions that cost less than €2000. I think that with so many people having issues Naim should address this and come up with a real solution instead of telling people to do a hard reset, which is not helping most people with issues.

Trouble is, there seems to be a large number of people who are preferring this balance of audio… which is possibly more neutral and wider bandwidth overall… certainly my software is.
I know it’s a frustration when you tip toe around room/speaker matching compromises, as tiny changes in sonic profile can make disproportionate changes to audio in your listening room, it’s the same principle as disproportionate changes caused by subtle tweaks… but to an extent that is outside of the control of Naim. This has been discussed frequently over the years on the forum… and it’s why I say the room / speaker matching is the most important component in hifi and comes before any electronics.
Short of shifting speaker position or swapping interconnects/speaker leads I am not sure what the solution is for you. Ever since programmable firmware was introduced by Naim for audio components … there has been changes to the sonic presentation, some subtly positive some negative.

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I now noticed that the WiFi is indeed not connecting. I am usually using Ethernet connection but wanted to try if WiFi would improve things. Before the firmware update I had connected to my WiFi without issues. Now t doesn’t connect to either my 2.4G or my 5G WiFi networks.

What a job did they do on this firmware version…

Did you find a solution for the WiFi issue @Hollow ?