Unhappy with the new NAIM update

This is if I’m setting the ND555 to floating and it should be on ground. On floating it definitely sounds a bit duller.


Not many ideas I’m afraid. Hopefully someone who knows what they are talking about will be along soon or else contact Naim support. Have you tried fully closing the app and maybe restarting the phone? Or reinstalling the app (not sure what, if anything, you will lose doing that). I assume the NDX2 is powering up and responds to the buttons and/or remote?

I think what Simon is saying there is a lot different to how you interpret it.

But anyway the point is it doesn’t matter how you set the switch. You should leave it so it sounds best to you. Get on with more important things in your life!


yes - duller and not as “loudness” as with new FW initially. Details missing is not the answer. But there will be a cure for us soon - I am really optimistic.

Drago and Geko chassis switch is now well exercised and CLEAN :smile::+1:

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It’s still not right, @drago. The main issue of sharpness in the treble still remains unfortunately. It’s getting me down, I need a solution from Naim.


Too sad - same here.

It’s not about fiddling and only a small bit funny. Imagine all the update brought by danish cables is suddenly gone…
There is a placebo part, but I never had any disturbance in the sound before - all was musical and foot tapping.
Now there are sounds in very much songs that are disturbing making you turn down the volume.

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I totally agree with the comments on here. Definitely a ‘musical’ step backwards for me. I’m trusting that someone from Naim is picking up on all this and that they are busy working on a solution.


Did you loose your saved albums when you did the reset?

Not that I’ve noticed, Chris.


The process here you need to follow here is to contact Naim support - support@naimaudio.com

I would recommend a full factory reset, if you haven’t already done so, as this has been reported to have worked for most of those affected. Note though that you will lose settings so make a note of them beforehand so you can re-apply them after the reset.


I’m happy to report the factory reset fixed the sound on my ND555. I did loose my internet radio presets, but all of my Qobuz playlists are intact.

It was sounding like a DCS stack before (cold, lifeless, 2D)…the magic is back.

Highly recommended.




Pleased to hear it, Chris.



Similar experience here, was sounding ok ish initially then was well off for a few days, it was so bad it aggravated my tinnitus! Thought I would try wifi to see if it made any difference but it wouldn’t connect, did a factory reset which didn’t fix the wifi but did fix the sound, sounding awesome now, wifi still an issue which I suspect is a bug but I normally use wired so not really an issue for now


Great news Chris, I was starting to get worried. When I first heard the update I kept thinking to myself I bet it sounds wonderful at Chris’s house with those K6’s.

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The pain was real. #firstworldproblems


I agree. It makes one realise how important good sounding music is to our wellbeing.

I was in a real funk for a few days when I felt it was ‘off’.



I know something is “off” when I try to convince myself that what I’m hearing is good. I don’t get the dopamine response I’m used to. My heart is not into the music, my mind wanders. The virtues of good hifi come down to the fundamentals of the note. When our brains have to work hard to make sense of the sound something is wrong. I attended a hifi show a few weeks ago and heard all sorts of terrible. Listening to the same music at home I was astonished how good the 555/552/500 are. The show was a pallet cleanser for sure, reminding me how special the 500 series sounds.