Unhappy with the new NAIM update

I’ve been in that group since it began a few years back with an aim to both test features and be aware of any SQ issues - although as others have said that latter aspect is not what is being specifically tested.

We are told not to discuss things ongoing in that group - and also that you may get Firmware versions that have problems - it is a Beta-testing after all - and to be aware of not expecting better and possibly at times worse in ongoing release and testing.

The iterative versions do sound (to me) different and some are very good and some poor and most somewhere in the middle SQ. We are told the final tuning for SQ is done after all testing has been completed for the features desired for the next public release.

I’ve made occasional comments there if SQ was particularly good or poor alongside any testing.

With all that said - talk to Naim and as long as you are prepared for things not to be always perfect then I’m sure you can join.



Unlike the NDS, which improved sound by switching off inputs, Naim told me the ND555 was designed to have all the inputs enabled. Disabling inputs degrades the sound in their opinion.

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I’ve experimented with the settings over some time and find some ‘on’ and some ‘off’ works best for me.
All inputs ‘on’ I dislike and all set ‘off’ seems to give a bland unengauging presentation.

I’d posted a few time previously my preferences as I then found them. Some changes I’ve found over some days improved presentation - meaning I enjoy it more and will let the tracks play rather than want to tinker with the settings more.

I had found Server Mode ‘off’ for a while seemed better but I’ve now reveresed myself on that and ‘on’ is more interesting to listen too.
Also ‘on’ is USB Input and Spotify - none of which I use, but subjectively to me make the vocals better.


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I tested on my NDS with all on vs off and I very much preferred all not used being off.

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Interesting, I’ll test with the inputs as well. See if it makes a difference for the ND5 XS 2 as well.

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Has anyone tried various combinations of inputs on or off with ground either default or floating?

I recall reading that in a review and after experimenting for myself, I found I generally agreed, though the difference was almost imperceptible to me at the time.

Since the FW update and experimenting again, I find the difference those settings make are more audible (my speakers have changed since I last experimented and I expect that is why), and all on is now quite clearly worse, to my ears.

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How do I check inputs on the ND5XS2?

Yes, I have run through numerous permutations and ended up with all off and floating.

There are negatives to this configuration as I found at least one digital input on and chassis to be more detailed and expansive, but also more strident. In my case, sacrificing detail and accepting the more closed in sound makes a wider range of music listenable. In theory, I could make changes to optimise based on what I’m listening to at the time but that is too much faff for me.

It’s a shame since I know more is right in front of me but my ears and brain better accept the sacrifices than they do the upper frequency hardness.

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Afaik you do this in the app. Enable/disable input options

I always trust my ears first, then try to understand why it sounds different from a scientific perspective, if beneficial for understanding. Just thinking about it scientifically without listening, I would think all inputs set to off would minimize energy in the system leading to less noise and better sound quality. However one could certainly imagine a complex system where this would not be the case.

I have to say it is highly impressive that Naim has created products so amazingly resolving that we can hear such minute changes.


Or maybe you just think you can!! I’ve been wondering whether it might be an age thing. Are younger members with better HF hearing having more problems. Does anyone really unhappy with a 555 want to own up to being young?

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All off gives a somewhat bland presentation in my system


You need to boost those sleepy Italian boxes with lots of NDS noise and pushy Neotech :smile:

(taking cover :rescue_worker_helmet:)

Yep! Trying to infuse some of that famous Naim distortion.

… or slightly worrying that they’ve created something so flaky that it’s susceptible to things that really shouldn’t change the sound?

I’m really not sure… :man_shrugging:

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From Naim App (running ND5XS2).

Which inputs should I turn on/off?

These are what I presently right now use.

I’ve been exploring this as it is having too much effect with my system than it should - but it does and I have some patence!

Recent discovery was they all interact so it is not just finding a setting on/off is better but that a particular permutation works better than another.
I use Tidal so that is ‘on’ - testing with loacl-stored CD-rips.
So only 9 factorial (362,880) to try! :see_no_evil: :exploding_head:

So Digital 1 on right now and all others off and Server Mode and Spotify back ‘on’ - none of which I use.

My test track ‘Heaven’ from this:

The bass is a good tuning-aid as I flick the inputs on/off and it is clear what tightens it up or makes it flat - and the vocal improves with the bass as I tuned it.

I have other favorites I verify with after - all good so far. :bear:



No one knows for sure. I’d suggest that you try each one yourself. It’s going to be trial and error I’m afraid.

Interesting counter-perspective. Perhaps since a system involving electrical signals is used to present (hear) a given electrical signal, it becomes increasingly more difficult to resolve greater detail without making the system sensitive to its own operation. Definitely thought provoking.