Uniti 2 Use of Phono 5 din plug with non Naim gear

I have a stageline connected to my NAIM Unit 2 through the 5 din Phono connection (240 degree). I am intending to move away from using the stage line MC but would like to check if anyone knows if the Phono DIN can still be used with 3rd party phono amp that uses 2 RCA. I have managed top source a cable 2 rca to 5 DIN 240 degree (not easy!). I would like to re use the DIn Phono connection on the unit 2 but fear it may damage the new PHONO amp (Heed Quasar) as its base config to the stageline pases power to the stage line.

Anyone had experience with using that phono connection on the Uniti 2 for a third party phnon with 2 rca? Comments advice welcome.

Hi, the DIN input will not pass power to a non-Naim phono stage through RCA plugs, so as long as the cable has been made up correctly it will be fine. You could also use one of the Uniti RCA inputs, but as you now have the RCA to DIN cable you may as well use that.

Thanks , I am have other uses for he exiting RCA inputs so keen to try the DIN if it works for the Phono. Would I expect better performance from the DIN socket or is that negligible?

Naim generally recommend that you use DIN for best performance, and my experience is that this is true where I have tried both options.

Great thank I will give it a go and see what happens.

Bit of an update. I managed to order a 240 deg 5 din to 2 rca cable from the only place I could find which was on AliExpress - moonsound store. Have just tested and it is crap , sound only being transferred on mono and poor ish quality.

Does anyone know where I can source a reliable cable from ?

Don’t know where you’re based.

But suggest you try your nearest Naim dealer.

That way you’ll know that you’re getting the correct cable.


Based in New Zealand and there are currently issues with the distributership so no currently reliable source.

Try eBay auction site. Genuine Naim cables do appear on there, as I have sold mine previously on there. But make sure they are genuine Naim.

They also do international sales / purchases.

Good luck with your search.


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I am using the phono din input into my Star, using the rca output from my arcam 640p, no issues. I bought a cab!e made up by a local specialist.

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Perhaps the cable was wired up incorrectly for a Naim amp.
Is there a Chord Cables dealer in NZ? They would be able to supply a Naim compatible DIN to phono lead.

I have bought both Naim & Chord leads on eBay UK, without problems.

But… with Naim leads you do need to know what you are looking at & for. ‘SNAIC’ is oftyen used as a general term for any Naim cable or ‘non-Naim-made’ cable, so beware…

Read carefully…

NB. As the FAQ says, the NA-xxx id’s are NOT Part Numbers… They are who made that cable…!!

Update on my journey for the elisive cable. Local ex Naim dealer took pitty and resoldweed the din plug so now have two channel ok. He did warn me that it may not be any better than using a 2 rca to 2 rca and sadly he was right , the latter actually sounds better going from my heed quasar to my Uniti. To be fair also although the cable itself looked very good it may not be upto speed with true blue Naim - if I could find one. Any now moved on ….