Uniti Core unable to view music

The seagate is the one already in there, would struggle to ditch the powerlines, I won’t be allowed to run a cable from router to Core (2 floors and through walls).

Use a wireless access point such as an airport express instead - not as good as direct ethernet wired, but much, much better than powerlines.

It’s not the powerlines at all Richard, although I agree your general point to get rid of them. This is a different sort of problem and it’s in the Core. If you read back through the thread from the beginning you will see.



Ripped 2 cd’s
Backed up to USB
reformatted store

tried restore to existing store got:

Backup Status
Status Error
Last operation Restoring
Files to process and processed 0
Backup store used Naim xxxx etc

When using restore to new store (disk reformatted)

Backup Status
Status No Backup store
Last operation Restoring
Files to process and processed 0
Backup store used Naim xxxx etc

With only 2 cd’s to restore I would assume a few minutes only… nothing happening been 10 minutes so I’m guessing that’s a system / core / software problem

I agree David, but was hoping it might be a spur to dump the nasty Powerlines.

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I don’t know about airport express, what is it?

So it’s clearly a HDD failure (but I’m not sure what/how) or a Core malfunction which requires a (brief?) summer holiday in Salisbury.

As putting a replacement HDD in is pretty cheap and quick, even if you can’t spring £500 for an SSD, which I totally understand, personally I would buy a new HDD and try that now. If that doesn’t work then it’s back to your dealer to return the Core to the factory I think.



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It’s an Apple WiFi device commonly used to extend the range of an existing wireless network. They were discontinued a few years ago, but there are loads of them about, so they can be a very cheap way to extend your network. They also have an optical output, so can be useful if you want to add Apple Airplay functionality to a device that doesn’t have it.
There are more modern devices that will do this with better current generation tech, and they are not, by Naim standards, all that expensive. Consumer versions such as BT Discs, or some highly regarded Unifi products which will probably give better performance, but take a little more effort to set up.

Has the Core got WiFi now?

I’m thinking Core (software) problem due to the fact that I could still access and play music (prior to reformat) via the network on my PC…
on another note I tried using the rear USB port and repeated the processes above, same result.

No it doesn’t have WiFi!

I’m not thinking software problem. There are hundreds or thousands of Cores (?) out there and they work fine. It’s going to be a hardware problem I think.



Re the wifi, powerlines are the only option to connect the core and as far as I know BT discs/whole home do not have ethernet ports to connect external devices… and I dont use IOS devices…

best if I ring support tomorrow I think, as u said they can review this thread and decide course of action from there…
Thanks everyone…

Many wireless devices have Ethernet ports, even the humble Airport Express. So you could connect your chosen wireless device, and your Core, to a switch to give them a network connection. I believe BT Discs have a single Ethernet port, although I’m not sure if this is only to connect back to your router, or if it can be used to connect peripheral devices, or a switch. There are certainly some devices that can do both.

Afaik only 1 of 3 has port as u say to connect back.
Trouble is my house has “old walls” not conducive to wifi hence the powerlines. I did look at bt discs discounted due to lack of net ports.

Also hifi in extension 10 meters and one floor below the router, good for the music but crap for wifi

The solution can maybe be optical fiber ( 20 m or more depending on your needs) then a switch near your system and short Ethernet cables. You just need a router and switch with SFP ports.

Ethernet is good for 100 meters, so you don’t need fibre just for the cable lengths. Having said that, I do use fibre, as our house is exposed to lightning strikes through the phone line, and optical network cables give some isolation from that. They are cheap and easy to set up, but I would say not necessary for most domestic use.

I said that, advising fiber, because the OP doesn’t want to run very long Ethernet cable upstairs. Fiber is easier to hide.