Uniti Star CD unreliable detection

I’ve had two new uniti stars now, and both have exhibited cd problems where cds get stuck, not detected, and require a hard reboot to retrieve the cd. I can’t find a pattern to it. Am I alone?

me too, had it for a little more than one year before it failed to detect & read CD, and finally get the CD stuck inside. Took it to the dealer and got the news yesterday that the parts has arrived (after around 4 months or more) and will be installed next week.

All at no charge, the dealer (&Naim) did a very good customer care. The 4 months waiting for the parts is understanable considering how screwed up the logistic business lately (and the schmucks manning our custom office)

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Had mine about 3 years and had no problems at all with the cd player/ripper

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So a repaired and tested Star came back to me and instantly can’t recognise CDs. Hard reset to recover. Oh and it crashes. Power button flashes a cycle 4 2 5. Mains unplug needed to recover.
I had cyrus and mission and arcam for thirty odd years, rock solid. Naim a premium brand, hmmm?!
SA35 is out soon.

Noting Uniti Star problem CD
this looks systemic.

I would recommend to keep the star for amp and streaming duties.
For cd ripping, you can buy a second hand Innuos mini, around 500 euros.
The cd part of the Star is a well shared problem here, since maybe 3 years. Not all encounter it, but some on here.

I’m thinking of getting everything professionally ripped once and for all.
And then if I’m really missing discs any transport will do I guess. I’m missing my arcam cd33 already.

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Why not ask your dealer to liaise with factory for you to return Star, if you have had two troublesome units and to receive ex-dem / refurbished versions of both Core and Nova? Never had an issue with either.
Win-win perhaps? Good luck

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Same problem for me, after the substitution of two units of Star I changed with a Nova and external cd player.


Oh don’t worry I’m on that and they are, again. They’ll replace until it works or I lose patience and ditch the brand. Annoying though.

Finally concluded that; went with advice from you guys basically. Nova, with a pro-ject cd e as a transport. Whilst I bit by bit* rip through everything. Sounds great.
(*ha ha I see what I did there)


Guess what…
So having a new Nova, after two failed Stars on the trot, the Nova now plays up too.
Turns itself on,
Or crashes,
Requires power down…
Arcam please make this sa35 good, I should never have left you for this cult

That’s insane I’ve had an atom and a sn3 and currently have a nd5xs2/ndac/282/hcdr/250 and haven’t had a single box issue, I have just had a cable replaced but that’s it. I will say that while I definitely think there is some underlying issues in the uniti star it is incredibly unlucky that you’ve now had issues with your nova. I hope you find something you enjoy, I promise that this isn’t a cult, I can’t promise we are all sane :joy: but most can admit that if we had had your experience we would be pretty frustrated too.