Update: Going from NDX/XPS to ND5 XS2

I can’t comment, just wanted to share as a regular reader here, who read sometimes problems with Mesh Wifi.
@CrystalGipsy can comment.
I found it useful to share, before the OP decides to sent the Nd5xs2 back, which is perhaps not the problem.


I doubt it’s anything to do with WiFi. Rebooting the whole caboodle including the switch, which wasn’t rebooted before, will likely sort it out.

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Why? It’s a likely root cause, and I’ve seen the same issue in many posts across several forums.

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I just don’t think it is in this case. It worked happily with the old player. Let’s see what transpires.


The cheap old Netgear GS105 doesn’t need restarting in this situation. You really do fit and forget. It just always works.



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Same with EE 8Switch. It just works regardless of any scenario. You don’t even have to wait for it to boot up, it works almost instantly.


Most switches are like that.

My PoE Ciscos are set and enjoy.

Anyway, I hope everything gets sorted out for the OP.

Perhaps a factory reset of the streamer is required?

As well as refresh of the app, and rebooting everything from the router onwards?

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The OP has already tried all those to no effect. Seems a bit strange as their wifi is working ok.

Time to contact the dealer then?

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It’s more likely to be a ‘different subnet’ issue than a faulty streamer…
op needs to eliminate that first…

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Ah, yes, apologies, I forgot that…

Somehow my router’s WiFi covers my whole house ok, so I’ve not had to deal with WiFi extenders.

To test I would run a long Ethernet cable from the router to the Nd5xs2 and see if the problem is still there.
If not, Mesh WiFi is probably the problem.
The Cisco in the chain, even if it uplifts the sound, adds complexity. I had several times same issues as you when I had the Cisco. I takes more time to find the server. I had often to reboot all.
Now I use the Etheregen switch, straight from the router, and I loose never the server.

So Router, Mesh WiFi, Cisco, can add some difficulties.


In this configuration the ND5 XS2 is still getting its IP address from the router while the control device running the app is getting its IP address from the Google mesh so, if it is a ‘different network’ issue, it won’t help.

I know the NDX worked, but it’s conceivable that the control device running the app coincidentally got its ip address from the router running (I think) the ‘downstairs’ WiFi.

Another possible is that NDX and ND5 XS2, running different generation streamer boards, use different discovery protocols.

Irrespective of why it used to work but doesn’t now, I think the key diagnostic is forcing both devices onto the same network. A permanent solution - with or without Cisco - can be found later!


I really don’t think your (Cisco) switch is the problem here. If you have more than one DHCP server running on your network, that pretty much guarantees that you will have issues like this, so I would reconfigure your LAN to run a single DHCP server that covers all of it before you do anything else. This seems to be a common issue with Google WiFi products.


A lot of these mesh devices can be routers as well and default to that configuration out of the box. My TP Link Deco certainly does.

This would create 2 networks in essence, one before the mesh system and one after it.

The TP Link system allows you to change the system to access point mode which allows you to retain the existing router and just use the mesh to provide wireless capability.

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There have been lots of suggestions made. Have any been of any use?

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There certainly has been a lot to both think about and investigate here. Apologies. Yesterday was a full day. I will work my way response-wise from the last time I responded and see what it brings, first by shutting everything down (Cisco, too) and one-by-one re-connecting; then I will move on. There have been a couple of very interesting responses that I haven’t taken into consideration, so will see what I can figure out from that and will report back as much and as detailed as possible.
It’s just frustrating since nothing has changed from the NDX to the ND5. Nothing. The NDX was set up on the same router/wifi mesh system configuration and worked with an Ethernet connection from the Cisco without issue, other than dropping when I wanted to go wirelessly but would search the room and find the NDX easily enough. I think this is what’s so perplexing now.
Thank you all so much! Seriously. You’ve all been a massive help here!

The Google router is standalone; the other mesh units (Nests) are just that: mesh access points. These ‘satellites’ don’t even have an Ethernet port on back or underneath to make a direct connection. All they serve as is a wifi blanket of sorts. Both my phone and this particular room are configured on this wifi router/system, thus worked with the NDX. When I set up the ND5, it, too, is on this very same wifi system. A test Ethernet cable run from Cisco switch or direct from wall-plate to my MacBook Air after turning off wifi to the room simply works.
Long story short, the mesh nests aren’t routers, but that was a helpful observation.

Have you tried my two ideas?

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Do you have a nearby window? If so,…

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