Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

I’m good with 52 thanks. :sunglasses:


I should hope so. Especially with a pair of 135’s up it :sunglasses:


It’s a better pre than the 252 for SQ. 52/135 are a legendary setup.


Dan, I don’t know whether you’ve tried phono boards in the 52. If you haven’t you might want to give them a spin. On the advice of my dealer, I’m doing just that, I’m running some 523 boards that I had serviced when the 52 was last serviced. I pulled them out as soon as I got the unit home on the basis that I had better options with my vertere phono 1 or superline (powered via the 52 - I don’t have the rack space for another supercap). After reinstalling them and running them in and reacquainting myself with them, I think I’m on the same page as my dealer, that the 52 is a pretty fantastic phono stage as well as pre-amp - I’m certainly not rushing back to my other options. Sure, sometime in the future I’ll give the other phono stages each another go, but I’m expecting to stay with the 52 phono boards. This of course is contrary to the experience of others on the forum, but you might want to give it a go and see what you think…


It’s got K boards installed. I have High Output MC cartridge Dynavector 10X5 so will work. Will have to turn volume up though.

Very happy with Graham Slee Reflex M phono stage.

Will try it out. Will be interesting. I didn’t ask for phono boards to be serviced. They are probably fine.

K boards are for low output MC :wink:


Were the boards in the 52 when it was serviced? If they were, then I think Darran would have serviced them too…


Yes. But if you turn volume up they will still work.

Yes there were in the 52.

They will be overloaded.

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Thanks @Igel. Will leave it as it is then. Don’t want to cause problems to a well balanced system. Best to get right cart for phonostage. And tbh am very happy as it is.

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Maybe pair of 350s or 500DR :rofl:. Might lower dreadful hiss of 135s!

Joking by the way guys 52 and 2 x 135s with Supercap and my sources is seriously good.

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We don’t use the ‘5’ word anymore now that it’s been so thoroughly trounced by the new 300’s :grinning:

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Just listening to an old C90 tape I made on a Waltham music centre in the early 80’s, and my 52/135/sc combo is making cassettes sound good.


Pull them out if you don’t use them, the 52 will sound better.

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I thought dealer would tell me they are flying out the door they are so good! But no. Lots of interest. I don’t think they got any orders yet!

I have thought about it quite alot. They sound very very good.

But listening to my system it sounded so alive and full of energy and verve.

By comparison the 300 series is technically brilliant but maybe Naim have lost some of the mojo?

I am not putting down the 300 series but does that make sense to anyone here?

That’s what I did with 82. I am leaving things be for now. I may decide to use them later. I am not someone to tinker with Naim equipment insides. It looks easier enough but will leave alone.

Okay,then you will a have free upgrade when you do it. :ok_hand:

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