Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

K boards are intended for Linn cartridges. I have S boards for my Dynavector cartridge.

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Dan, i donā€™t think much is going out the doorā€™s off any hifi dealer at the moment with how things are.
Lotā€™s would like new gear as always but not much cash around, that also goes for everything else.


K boards will work well with many cartridges, not just some of Linnā€™s. S boards though are the usual recommendation for Dynavector as they tend to sound best together.


Absolutely, but not for high output MC ,that Dan_M was going to use it for.
I think it was graham55 that mentioned Linn cartridges.

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Yes, apologies Igel. It was meant in response to Grahamā€™s post just below.

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Looks like NDS screen repair comes in at Ā£190 including shipping and VAT. Sounds okay to me.

Listening to Pink Floyd The Division Bell on NDS through NAS drive (Zoneripper). Sounding gorgeous.

I asked Audio T if I can have the ND5XS2 while NDS is away. Answer was no and I can have it for a weekend at cost. So I have suggested I book a demo with it once NDS is repaired and see how NDS sounds as DAC.

If I do get ND5XS2 I will get two more Fraim shelves to level things out. Will be 12 shelves including bases. I can then have Lingo and Graham Slee Reflex M on separate shelves. Alternatively I could put ND5XS2 on top of NDS as NDS is on medium Fraim shelf.

System might look too much with 12 shelves. Not too sure. This is why was thinking NDX2 and getting rid of NDS.

I know Audirvana is an option but then its subscription and a laptop to buy.

The servicing of the Supercap 2 and 52 was definitely worthwhile. It sounds more alive and vibrant at the moment. Yes a bit up and down as youā€™d expect with newly serviced gear. Listening to NDS so havent listened to CDS2 with XPS2 which was also serviced on tuesday today. Early days but sounds awesome and mind blowing!


Iā€™m dropping off the NDS tomorrow for replacement screen. Be good to have it in full working order again.


Now that NDS has gone I am trying to fill the void. Got 555PS on CDS2 and it is warming up. Sounds more upfront, bolder and more detailed!


Hmmm. I wonder whether thatā€™s true. Itā€™s not frequent, thatā€™s for sure. Back in the time of the Asak (lovely cartridge) and Karma it was touch and go whether the 32 was better than the 12S, though when I tried this years later with sources other than phono, between a 12S a 32 in the original 12 box and a standard 32, the standard 32 won hands down. I also preferred the 32/Snaps to the 32.5/Hicap, which I didnā€™t feel quite hit the spot as well. (I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had anyone agree with me on this. :slight_smile: ) The 32.5 seemed to leave open some obvious room for improvement. You might call it ā€œfurtherā€ improvement, but it wasnā€™t quite as ā€œcompleteā€ a product. The 52 then did it properly, which was probably what was wanted at the time. I donā€™t know the 252 but I have used a 282 and 250 and that was an astonishingly sophisticated combination with just incredible retrieval, but it was a different thing. The competence and capability was unquestionable but it just wasnā€™t as enjoyable, IMHO. My hope, and expectation, is that the new NC range is going to reinsert that captivating element grabbing your attention and keeping you involved. That seems to be what people are saying and from what I have gleaned on the technical front it looks very possible. I donā€™t think Naim have ever regressed to leaving half the music behind, which is what you get in most ā€œconventionalā€ amps that have smoothed out the rough edges, so in that respect the 282/250 was actually an astonishing achievement but I am looking forward to what this new lot will bring.

Is this meant for a different topic @Christian_Thomas ? Best wishes, Dan

52 serviced ā€¦ way to heaven :heart_eyes:
Totally understand your foot tapping situation :grinning:


I am now thinking about taking the 135s off the rack and putting them behind the speakers, and getting longer leads made up. I could have each 135 on a single Fraimlite shelf which I have just bought. With the prospect of a ND5XS2 used as streamer into NDS as DAC the boxes are mounting and the Fraim stacks higher. Other option is three stacks, one with just the 135s on.

Youā€™ve already mentioned the most logical (and possibly best sounding) solution - sell the NDS and put the funds, plus those you would have spent on more Fraim, towards an NDX2. You already have the CD555PSDR. Simple is often best.


You will get worse sound with longer interconnect leads to the Nap 135Ā“s.

Why is that? Am interested to know your logic. @Dunc suggested to do this for the 350 monoblocks.

Enjoy the music
I thought I was the restless guy :grinning::laughing:

Demo nd5xs2 - good machine. Have one. But I really think nds will beat it.
Streaming from quobuz is fine - but you can also buy the music

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It will be ND5XS2 into NDS which will be used as DAC only.

I know! As a transport. But nds is a really good machine ā€¦ when used as it was originally presented.
Demo will bring light into it. :nerd_face:

And you need to try phoenix net!

Maybe @Clive. My plan is when the NDS screen is replaced to demo the ND5XS2 through the NDS as DAC with 555DRPS and then demo an NDX2 with 555DRPS and then make a decision.

From what I hear on hear the more complicated option will work better. However, I will wait and see. The NDX2 means one less box, advantage on great screen and remote which I like.

Pros and Cons.

No rush. Get the NDS screen sorted first. The Fraimlite shelves are ordered and are in transit. No sweat there, only Ā£280 for the two.

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