Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

I tried Audirvana + Qobuz against native Qobuz on my former NDX2 and I thought it might have sounded bit better even there. More air and dynamics. Bigger leap on NDS though. Give it a try, it’s 2 weeks for free and easy to get going.

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So have asked for advice on my cartridge and dealer is recommending in my situation a Krystal cartridge and use 52 K boards as I may go for Urika and Radikal 1 at some point.

I am going to keep using the Dynavector 10x5 and see what happens with my health for the time being.

I don’t want to over extend myself and the Krystal would be doing just that.

Obviously I could sell my MM phono stage but that’s not even going to come close to paying for a Krystal.

The Karousel is settling in now so will wait things things out.

Playing Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti on the LP12.

The thing is my streaming platform is now so good and reliable that the other sources don’t come close enough.


I had a similar experience after spending virtually nowt on the lp12 for (checks notes) 28 years but moving to nd555 for streaming :joy: it was quite pricy :grimacing: but keel, kandid, karousel, urika and radikal later it’s sounding ok :blush:


The secret Dan is not to keep on the old upgrade treadmill trying to get three different sources all on the same level. Vinyl is a tough and costly one.

My LP12 gets rarely used because I love the ease, convenience and amazing sound from the streamer

That said, one day (…. Procrastination blah blah blah…) I will do the LP12 again. Maybe in 2025…… twenty years after doing the last set of mega upgrades to it :flushed:


Agreed. I gave up vinyl and decided to focus all on pre, amp, digital source. Zero regrets.

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Maybe what I need to do is get my old Valhalla power supply serviced, find an old pre cirkus bearing. Lose the Ekos2 and get back a decent Ittok LVIII and put a goldring serviced Troika on it. Right @igel :joy:


The CDS2 and XPS2 is what it is. The streamer is superb. The vinyl source obviously needs attention.

I have around 300LPs and love vinyl.

But I am not prepared to put my funds in jeopardy.

I will wait things out and do upgrades slowly now.

The Dynavector 10x5 sounds alright and I am not prepared to buy Krystal right now.

It’s a money pit. I like listening to vinyl but spending thousands of pounds to listen to records isn’t worth it if I don’t have the funds.

I have a buffer on bank account funds, but if I need surgery that will only last a month or so.

So I am leaving it as is. And if the cart fails, I will just get another 10x5.


I mean this in a friendly way so I hope it does not upset you. Stop worrying about the HiFi. You already have a great setup and with most things accessible on Quobuz and given you have a great streaming solution now, it’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy what you have for a few years just to appreciate what you have.
Stop fretting and getting stressed about the HiFi, it’s not healthy


Very sensible approach Dan


That kind of Lp12 appeals to @Igel and I can understand the appeal. It’s very old school and will sound good but the modern way seems to be lower noise floor and hearing more of everything which the newer upgrades will do.

This is why Karousel, Radikal 2 and Urika are the new way. And of course DR.

Some like non DR and pre Cirkus, valhalla power supply.

There is no right or wrong. If set up well both can sound good.

Let’s celebrate that fact.

Thanks for your concern. I appreciate your sentiments and you are absolutely right. I will enjoy what I have.

I am enjoying the LP12 this evening, especially making the decision to leave it alone.

I never take things the wrong way from you.

It is out of the kindness of your heart. I do believe you have one. Lol :laughing:


I would take a picture of it but it is not really suitable on a HiFi forum like this :rofl:

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For what it’s worth, I enjoy music much more at our house in France and less so at our place in Germany. It’s the environment (calm and low stress, fresh air, great water (and sometimes wine :joy:), low noise from motorways, air traffic), also my mains is perfect here and the room dimensions are better not to mentions the fabulous views. This is with a cheap and cheerful Marantz CD67SE, NAC42, NAP110, wharfedale diamond 220s as well. No where near as good as the system in Germany. I can also whack up the wick because our nearest neighbours are 200m away


You know it all makes perfect sense.

Just sit back, relax and enjoy the moozic from the old streamer mate and forget ALL the rest for the time being……

Oh and if you really must get a new Dynavector 10x5


Indeed. Watching Bond movie “No Time to Die” which is rather appropriate for me. I don’t have time to die. Only have time to live!


You can’t do it all! I have done everything I can to get my system as good as possible. Now will enjoy it and leave it.


That’s a Radikal decision Dan :joy:
You know it really makes sense and what you have and how it’s set up now I’m sure sounds wonderful
Enjoy the moozic

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Bingo! Just Lingo I’m afraid. Will have to do! Radikal decisions and Urika moments may not happen.

For now, will enjoy the Naim and the Fraim and keep it on a level.

Streaming is good and vinyl pretty fair. Will enjoy as it is. And if the cart dies. There are plenty of cheaper temporary options which can be enjoyed as well.

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No I prefer Lingo 1 with removed filter and a Ekos 2,a Troika is still very good.

Newer isn’t always better musically,I have found.