Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

Thanks Bevo. And with Ekos 2 and The Groove +SRX phonostage should be ace!

Indeed Dan / lucky you have located an Ekos 2 arm also

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The Valhalla power board has to be removed I believe.

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And they are taking my Akito as part exchange. Am really looking forward to the changes. I had my mind set on Radikal. But knowledge is power and by upgrading tonearm, cartridge and phonostage should leave just Radikal to do at some point. And Keel of course potentially. 3 upgrades in one hit. And I am sure with improvements Karousel will come into its own as well.

With phono stage should be very good so need to change it out at later date.


Look, if you get LP12 serviced and all those upgrades done it will be better for sure. Don’t underestimate changing the cart. I have gone for Dynavector XX2 ii. Krystal was the other muted option.

I can see you in 18 months having Klimax!

Maybe it is my imagination but Karousel really started to come on song after Radikal 2. Hard to differentiate which mod gave the respective improvements but I suspect significant synergy. Even so though - it was pretty great with Radikal 1.

Dynavector XX2 Mk 2 is an excellent cart and great value. Te Kaitora Rua is no doubt better but is twice the cost.

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Ha ha @Mike_S

So can I Dan :crazy_face:

It’s addictive. I had no intention of going as far as I have on my second LP12 , it started its life 7 years ago as ex demo Linn Majik.

Here we are today as a fully loaded LP12 ARO with the last upgrade the Keel ARO from Peter Swain which shipped out to Harry here in Sydney for installation.

My beer money dropped significantly!!


That’s fantastic. The main thing is to enjoy the music. It takes what it takes. I have spent a fortune on speakers, cables and amplification and my streamer. Now the LP12 needs some attention to get the balance right.

Keel for ARO is money very well spent.


It’s my thread. My upgrades, so we do it here too Mike! Means we do it on lots of threads. Lol. You will love the LP12 and upgrade path. It’s a special turntable starts off costing £1000 and then 5 years later you’ll spend £20k and still you need more.

But life would get boring otherwise!

Indeed it is Dynaudio1

A fortune but in the big picture it’s peanuts


It was worth every penny though.


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I bet that’s not the only thing that dropped significantly

Ha ha :crazy_face:

Big changes then Dan, you naughty boy. I feel the same about the CDS3 when I get it back. Then again :crazy_face:
I could get shot of it and do my last LP12 upgrades.

No idea about Tom Evans Groove but should be good. Also the DV XX2 no idea but there should be a big step up from MM and I would not go with a Krystal although not sure how this betters a Klyde.

With the Ekos2 I would have the bearings checked just in case they are not ok. I believe the check is a simple one of a compound pendulum but also set the counterweight to zero with anti skate off and see how the arm moves. I assume Linn still services them.

I will definitely have that one last fling with the LP12 upgrades. Looking forward to listening properly to all my scratched records :sweat_smile:

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I wonder if you are missing a trick by not going for the Lingo 4. Things have come a long way since the original Lingo, which puts crud on the mains unless modified. You are going for a fantastic phono stage, when the power supply is arguably more important. I recall the huge uplift going from a Lingo 1 to Armageddon, back in the day. If you are having the deck back to the dealer for the Ekos, it would seem an ideal time for the Lingo 4. Hopefully the Lingo 1 retains some p/x value.

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Hi Mtuttleb,

The Ekos 2 is from an LP12 parts specialist. The tonearm has been tested by him and should be spot on. Audio T will check it over when they fit cartridge and T kable and a Trampolin. So should be all done then.

I decided to go down the route of focusing on cart and tonearm instead of power supply!

The Naim CD players are now a bit of a concern. So many suggest a CD transport through a DAC. I could always do that at some point.

Tbh, since the NDS has been improved with the ND5XS2 I don’t play the CDS2 at all.


Get it fully klimax’ed while you are at it @Dan_M :crazy_face:

I shall refrain from any further sarcastic remarks although I’m really tempted here

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I will look at the Lingo 4. I was waiting for a used Radikal 1 to come up. Nothing about at the moment. Will keep an eye out for used Lingo 4 as well.