Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

No criticism intended, the 20 minutes I spent refreshing myself of the instructions reminded me why I prefer to make the 250 mile round trip.


No, no and an opportunity to clarify. It’s just there to help and advise, and not replace of course! And….I’d like to think the packing guide is of used to any owner, who wishes to transport their LP 12 to their retailer :+1:t2:


I really need to get my LP12 down to my dealer for a once-over, but it’s a 2 hour drive and I’ve run out of steam this year, so next year. I’ll aim for before March, as the main road to Auckland will be closed for 9 weeks, and the detours aren’t great.


Mike, looking at another thread with your wonderful house and family……just soak in the advice and grab a bargain when it inevitably comes up.
Enjoy your summer….we are enjoying winter in good old blighty😉

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The LP12 is ready. With 5 different upgrades should be a massive change. Can’t wait ro pick it up! Don’t know when either tomorrow or saturday. Dealer says it sounds sweet. And he hasn’t heard it with my new phonostage! I am hoping this is a magnificent Christmas present to myself!


Merry Christmas Sir, very well earned indeed.


The LP12 is back and am playing it now. It sounds much much better. Much more open sounding. Highs are very sweet, base is deeper and mid range sounding great.

The Tom Evans phono stage looks the business in black acrylic and a very heavy power stage. The lights for the phono stage is green but extremely bright. The power supply has a bright blue light. Not sure about the brightness.

But it’s the sound that counts and the tonearm, cartridge, phono stage, tone arm cable and Trampolin 2 upgrades have now transformed my LP12 to a much higher level. It was worth doing.

What now? Buy lots of vinyl and enjoy the system!


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That doesn’t sound very Radikal to me Dan :wink:

Glad that you are happy with you upgraded LP12 though

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Congratulations @Dan_M on the upgrades. Glad they are delivering for you. Now kick back, have a tot of your favourite tipple and crank the volume up. BTW, we need photo’s, including the high intensity lights you mention. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It sounds really good Mtuttleb. I’m happy with it. I’ll have to leave the Radikal for another time. The changes are enough and it has taken the LP12 to the level that I was looking for.

It leaves a future upgrade path should I want to do that.

Here we go, the future is bright it’s Tom Evans!


That’s quite a system that you have there, Dan!

What plinth do you have on the LP12?

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It was originally black wood finish. It’s been sanded and varnished by someone since, but underneath you can see the black finish in areas.

Fantastic! And that light needs taming if it’s as bright as the photo makes it look. @Toon used a product to tame bright lights but I can’t remember what it is. Perhaps he’ll chime in.

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The light is very full on Graeme. What was the man thinking of when he designed it? :rofl:

I think that the standard Linn plinth under the paint job was always ash.

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I bought the LP12 about 6 years ago and was attracted to the plinth. I really like the light colour and it matches the Fraim quite well. Although I have different shades of Fraim being Ash and Maple, different vintages.

Originally the LP12 had valhalla power supply, Akito tonearm with shot bearings and a Goldring 1042 cart.

I got the turntable serviced and fitted a Lingo 1 immediately. And then was told the Akito tonearm bearings needed replacing. I got Audio Origami to repair the arm and they serviced it and carried out wiring upgrade and new metal plate for tonearm clip. It was very good.

A few years later I got the Kore and Cirkus upgrade.

And now the latest series of upgrades. The Lingo 1 has been serviced a few year back.


Thanks Graham. It’s my pride and joy!


There must be space for a 552 on the middle rack, Dan ?


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