Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

Looks great Dan.

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The system looks fabulous Dan. For the bright lights, Google “lightdims” - little black stick on patches for dimming bright LEDs. They are based in the US and a pack is around $10. It’s a great little home business established by a family for a disabled child. I used them on a my Heed gear and they do the job perfectly. Postage was really quick too.


Just enjoy……have a great festive season🙏🏼


There is future space for 552DR and 500DR units.

And of course improving LP12. Keel, Ekos SE, and Radikal 1 or 2 and if that light gets too much on Tom Evans a Urika!

Not done yet.

But the system is shining and sounds wonderful. I am so happy with LP12 as a source now. It makes me want to buy vinyl.

I am really happy with it as it is and now want to buy music rather than more hifi upgrades.

Just a note on the Rega Naia in comparison with my upgrades. My turntable sounds more organic and musical. The Naia is more detailed, refined and lower noise floor. The LP12 sounds like vinyl as opposed to Naia which sounds amazingly close to a streamer. I still think Naia is better than my spec but the gap is closing as each upgrade is done.


Splendid ! There is time for a 552, it took me 10 years. The vinyl bonanza sounds like a good plan - enjoy !


Remind me of your spec now Dan, I’ve lost track, but are now taking notes for reference. I think 2024 will be the year for a spruce up of mine.

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Great ! The Ekos 2 is fabulous,makes such a big difference !And a of course a new cartridge :ok_hand:


Tonearm is Ekos 2, Cartridge Dynavector XX2 Mk2, Linn T Kable tonearm cable, Kore, Karousel, Lingo 1 and Trampolin 2. Then phono stage Tom Evans The Groove + SRX power supply.

It is now roughly at Linn LP12 Selekt level, with exception of power supply. I think I have overall it has cost me around £10000. But it’s been built up over time and some things have been sold. I would imagine it is worth with the phono stage around £8000. I think once either Lingo 4 is done or Radikal 1 or 2 is done it would be a very desirable turntable to sell.

I will look at the power supply at some point next year. For the time being it sounds so much better.


So this now no nonsense speculation talk. If you’re going to upgrade the LP12 then go Kore, Lingo 4, get tonearm inspected and repaired as necessary, Trampolin 2, new cartridge MC desirable. And MC phono stage.

If you’re like me and want to seek out used bargains try to get used Radikal 1 instead of Lingo 1. It does sound better.

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I think that the Ekos 2 and Cart and Phonostage are doing the work. They make it sound great. I don’t think the Cirkus versus Karousel does much. I have no way of telling now. Trampolin 2 and T Kable probably don’t do that much apart from making it more modern.


The sound is more exciting than NDS though in some ways. It sounds organic. It’s a really fun sound. Not as clear a presentation as NDS but in some ways more music less hifi.


I think vinyl vs streaming products if on similar levels offer different positives. The LP12 is now rocking listening to Prodigy.


My thoughts exactly and if the deck is good enough for that which I believe is true. When I added an Akiva to my Ekos2 and Linto it was magic.

But be prepared to be told that you need a crap cartridge and karousel plus kore plus Radikal first :wink:

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Yes, I like the no-nonsense approach Dan. I’m pretty aligned on that thinking. I have a MC phono stage already and will review the MC cart I have once the dealer can have a proper look at it under the microscope. So, will plan/budget for Lingo 4, Karousel, Kore and Trampolin 2 to get all the foundations in place. Not entirely sure on the bearing, but if changing the PS and adding a Kore, then it seems sensible. I think Bevo suggested if staging, start with the Lingo 4 and Karousel as a minimum.


Listening to my system now for the last 5 hours I can clearly say that the Lp12 is now sounding absolutely stunning and as a source is as good as my streamer.


Then you are done. Just buy more music from now


The Radikal will be done. And the rest to Klimax eventually. I don’t think I would be comfortable with a £6k cart though. But Keel and Ekos SE, Radikal 2 I am prepared to do in time.

Nothing in short term but with selling used parts its worth getting the most out of LP12.

It is a stunning turntable. You should get yours sorted out so you can use it happily!

My next upgrade would be Radikal 1 and then possibly Urika and sell my Tom Evans phonostage which is worth more than Urika used.

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I did indeed Mike

The dealer should do the once over on the Ittok arm just to make sure bearings etc are all ok

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And that would be a good place to stop for a while. After that it has to be Ekos SE and Keel. Then Radikal 2. Then potential cartridge upgrade. You have to have a plan of upgrades. Knowing the order of things.