Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

All in good time Dan. It has to move to France first

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I think if you do that work Mike it will be great. Youā€™re basically completely rebuilding the turntable to Selekt level, but keeping the tonearm and potentially getting it serviced or repaired if requiredā€¦ If itā€™s going to cost Ā£500 to repair it, I would part exchange it for an Ekos 2 or SE. The Ekos SE used is around Ā£2750, the Ekos 2 Ā£1450.

Get the Kore done and Karousel. Then Lingo 4 or Radikal 1 if you can. Try to get dealer on board for used and discounts if possible.

Trampolin 2 and T Kable tidies things up. You donā€™t need to do these upgrades in one hit. A used Cirkus is very good too. Still donā€™t know and never will know the difference between Cirkus and Karousel!


Yes, But best to use it rather than leave it doing nothing. All in good time my friend.

Update your profile :wink:


It has been done mate.


Listening to Steely Dan on vinyl. I am sorry but it sounds too good. I am addicted to my LP12 now. Thatā€™s how good it is. Maybe itā€™s down to what would be new Ā£5000 phonostage, or Ekos 2 or Dynavector XX2 Mk2? Not Karousel, T Kable or Trampolin 2.


That, I think, is a result! Enjoy the music and have a great and positive Christmas, Dan.


I used one of these to tame the retina burning 3 million candlepower of the blue led on my Radikal. Worked a treat. Took 5 seconds. Cheapest upgrade I ever did for Ā£4.29.

(Unfortunately the more expensive upgrade was then moving to a Klimax Radikal 2 which has a much kinder-on-the-eyes blue led )


Thereā€™s quite a bit of advice on the Mait 50 thread about taming a very bright led.
Suffice to say itā€™s from a UK company, costs buttons and you canā€™t even tell (apart from the dimming of course :rofl:) that thereā€™s one on the led.

Thanks Toon. They will do the job.


Or the Akurate Radikal 2 which has a dimmable blue led.

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Listening to my system tonight and vinyl sounds better than my top notch streamer in many ways. Bass is deeper, more guts and emotion to the music.

Streaming is more accurate, less distortion, more consistent and no crackles and pops. You know exactly where you are with streaming.

The comparison between my LP12 and NDS is that LP12 gets into emotionally. It cuts into you deep and makes you feel the music. The streamer is reliable and exact with no errors. The LP12 is not as consistent depending on the vinyl itself.

Both are running in my system and sound fantastic. I am well pleased with the LP12 changes!


Perfect outcome.

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Not in parallel hopefully Dan :joy:

Very happy you got a good result with the LP12 though and maps to my experience when done properly it is a lovely music maker

Good comparison you made there Dan :+1:

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So for your system Mike I would recommend a really good focus on cart and tonearm as paramount. Lingo 4, Karousel and Kore will all work well after those issues are dealt with.

So for starters get a good service on the LP12 and get the tonearm looked at and the cartridge replaced.

Then look at getting the upgrades done.

I think people underestimate the phonostage it is the last leg into the preamp and is really important. On other forums there are recommendations that you spend as much on the phonostage as you do on the record player. I am not sure I agree with that but a high quality phono stage is important.


I posted an update over on the Sondek thread Dan last night - a mate of mine gave it the once over yesterday. First step at this stage is a record cleaning machine, will need to have the stylus checked properly at my dealers in Auckland when weā€™re next down there (as itā€™s a 2 hr drive each way). Apart from servicing (and stylus depending on condition), Iā€™m currently between leaving it at that, or just adding the Lingo 4. Primarily to intentionally leave it a vintage setup. But Iā€™m prone to flipping decisions :flushed:. My mate is also in the cart/arm camp for upgrade order - so many different view points, but of course the Ittok II is well regarded.

You only have one 555PS. And no 500. Just a kind reminder.


@Mike_S how is your Sondek equipped now ?

Cart and tonearm looked at. If cart is good then you can leave it. Tonearm bearings need checking out which may or may not be an issue. But not worth doing more work, esoecially buying a new cart if tonearm has issues.

Get the tonearm and cartridge right and then look at chassis and bearing. That is Kore and Karousel or used Cirkus.

Again get these things right. As far as I know you canā€™t do the Lingo 4 unless these areas are done.

Once done, your turntable will sound epic! And a great start for your LP12.