Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

Ditto the KRad2 Graeme - I think the dimmer switch is in the inside of the casework though. I made my choice of dim rather than bright upon purchase and entrusted the mechanics of selecting it to my dealer rather than taking a screwdriver to it.:rofl:

You’re too kind! I’m finished with the streaming and amplification though.

Correct @Toon. It’s a twin prong that is moved from one position to the other inside the casing. I too chose the dim setting, and my dealer did it for me while setting the Radikal up.

Valhalla PS, Cirkus bearing, ITTOK LV II arm and Audio Technical AT-OC9ML/II cart.

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It’s the Karousel bearing you can’t do with a Valhalla PS, so Lingo 4 first, or Lingo and Karousel together (which my dealer recommends, but I’m a bit ho-hum about removing the Cirkus).

Indeed, but a second PS and 500 are beyond what I’m prepared to spend with diminishing returns. But if I won lotto, or have lots of readies from an inheritance, anything is possible, most likely a LP12 Klimax and 500 DR.

Maybe just leave the Cirkus and get tonearm and cart looked and sorted first. The Lingo 4 and Karousel don’t need to be done.

I am always wary of a dealer who is pushing what you need to have done. Focus on getting it sounding it’s best as it is.


I would go for a Lingo 1,Pre Cirkus and a new Cartridge first, then add a Ekos 2 if funds allow.
I had Lingo 4,Kore,Karousel,but I prefer Lingo1,Pre Cirkus,for me more engaging and fun to listen to.
If you want all the new upgrades, it is often financially better to buy a secondhand LP12 equipped with those things.


Well I reckon the Lingo 4 and Karousel bearing should be done - in time

My dealer in 35 years plus has never pushed any upgrade onto me , I’ve always made my own mind up through listening

What a great summary of how it should be Dan. Enjoy both!

Best regards, BF

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To be perfectly honest I reckon my set up now sounds really sweet. Ekos 2 , Dynavector XX2 mk2. Maybe that is all you need if you have a Cirkus Mike. Is your phonostage MM or MC. Go to MC route if you can.

My Lingo 1 is doing the job. The valhalla will do the job too.

Anyway you know all the options Mike.

And the proof is in the pudding. I can’t stop listening to my LP12. I am blasting Prodigy on one hand and listening to JS Bach on other. It grips me completely and that is what your turntable should do!


Linn Sondek LP12 turntable/precirkus/Ittok LVII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lglWqU5JJBU
vs Digital

The stickers arrived today and calmed down the Phonostage bright led light.


Nice to hear that you think a standard deck pre karousel pre Radikal …. Can sound good a benefit from a decent arm, cartridge, power supply (lingo 2 in my case) and phonostage. I’m sure the other things bring good things too but like I have always said, with a decent setup of a circused LP12 with Ekos2 and Linto, adding the Akiva was absolutely magic (not majik😂) to my ears

Merry Christmas Dan

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I think your deck should sound fantastic. Are.you still using it? What sub chassis do you have?

I think that what I have done has made it sound magical. The Kore and Cirkus were done in one hit and made a big difference 4 years ago.

Cart, arm and phonostage are very important.

I don’t think you need a Radikal and in my case I believe changing those 3 made the biggest difference. And I think a good Cirkus is wonderful. Personally, I don’t know what the fuss is about. I will never know as I have made so many changes in one hit. Maybe it will all work together.

I am listening to the LP12 right now and it sounds magical.

The Radikal will lower noise floor and bring out further detail in my case. But it sounds rather lovely with the Lingo 1. And of course I don’t have the Keel so that would improve things.

I believe with what I have done my LP12 sounds excellent and is as enjoyable and as good as my streaming set up. Both have different qualities.

The CDS2 and XPS2 sound great too but is now not on the same level as the other 2 sources.

And that is perfectly understandable as I have invested more in the LP12 and NDS/ND5XS2/555PS set up.

Merry Christmas Mtuttleb.


At the moment Dan, the whole first system does not get much time and attention. The LP12 has been neglected for a few years due to other priorities. When it all moves to France I will get it looked at with a complete overhaul and upgrade it at the same time. I have the standard sub chassis with arm board not even a kore. No trampolin. Top plate was upgrade and a solid baseboard. Plinth is from 1985 as is outer platter. In 2004 I did the cirkus upgrade.
It will probably be a nice present to myself in a couple of years but we have a number of construction projects on going next year. A garden chalet and a house/kitchen extension

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My system has been packed up for a few days as I have decorated my lounge. No major changes, just all repainted same colours but new wallpaper for feature wall. There were lots of holes on feature wall where turntable shelf kept changing position, going higher and higher as system built up!. Will send some pics on here and system pics 2024 when things are set up again, which should be sunday after wallpapering is done.


Sorry Dan that sent lots of funny images through my head

Looking forward to seeing not so holy walls :joy: