Upgrade from NAP 110 To 250


Hold on to the 250, and just use it, day to day, listening to music ‘normally’, rather than thinking about comparisons etc., and see how much you are, or are not, enjoying the music.

Also, if possible, try some new recordings, exclusively, with the 250; then, after a period, try the new recordings with the 110, and see what you think.

It might be running in (post service?) ‘to blame’, it might be a case of ‘familiarity breeding contempt’, or it might be that you simply prefer the 110.

Those beautiful 110s and 140s really are a classic
Keep it and enjoy!!

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Both are different sounding. I have the 110 but don’t have the new nap100 so I can’t say much.

I will keep both amplifiers. first I wanted to sell the 250 but the CB are not easy to find with us.

Good decision. Both the NAP110 and NAP250 are classics. If you have great examples of each then it’s tough to let either go.

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