Upgrade LP12 or go RP10/aphelion

Mike do try the Vertere phono one day. You could trade the heed …


Very marked improvement on my DG1 by adding the challenger PS (with the redline power cable) and the isopaws on the feet of the phono-1. The isopaws at £30 each are very good value!

Hi Mike, I’ve got a similar level of LP12 with Ittok as you. Installing the Karosel was definitely worth the money - you keep the LP12 character, but just better - much quieter and surprisingly better tracking by the cartridge! For example, you know that sometimes a part of the record can sound a bit strained, well that sound disapperaed. It’s also hard to believe that an already quiet record deck can sound quieter, but it does! And makes a significant difference! Best wishes Amer


RP10 Aphelion 1 here. No complaints. Not faint praise. Into Superline with Supercap. Excellent.


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