Vinyl thoughts

Phono is the original 52.
Lots of sage advice thanks.


I would leave it alone and play some records when you feel like it. Your tonearm is very good. Yes, if you upgrade your phonostage and cart it will sound better. But if you’re only going to use it occasionally, I am not sure I would change it out.

I had a Dynavector 10X5 Mk2 before current cart and it sounded pretty good.

You’ll get a bigger improvement with a more expensive MC cart. But you’ll need an MC phonostage as well. This is where it can get expensive.

Do you want to go down that route? I did and it worked out well. It’s not for everyone. And then there’s the worry of damaging the cart!

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This discussion highlights why I don’t have an LP12……:joy:


I’m going to be a bit cussed, yes, the hierarchy says bearing, power supply first.
Before that, picking up on the word “edgy”, purely a personal thing, I might attribute that to the stylus. If I am correct it is a Shibata. So a suggestion, go “backwards” to an ML.

Agreed, the core of the TT is a higher priority than the more peripheral options (in this case, the arm and cart. are more peripheral).

I found the Karousel a significant upgrade but then the radikal 2 upgrade was even better IMHO. Just the Akurate. I couldn’t stomach the Klimax Rad cost. You have to draw the line somewhere.

I gave up on Record Cleaning Machines. We live in an apartment building and the neighbors complained about the vacuum noise. Also my vision and eye hand coordination made it difficult for parts management. Lastly I had a problem with mold in the fluid chamber.

This was 1990’s and early 2000’s. Maybe the tech has changed?

No, still as loud.


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@DiggyGun Also they all still use fluid which can lead to mold. The neighbors stopped me to wonder why I vacuumed my floors all the time. I knew it was time to give up.

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You sure do marksman

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In order of upgrades I went Lingo 1, then had Akito tonearm upgraded and repaired. Kore and Cirkus. Then 5 years later Karousel. Then tonearm cart and phonostage.

Biggest uplift tonearm, cart and phonostage.

So it’s all been upgraded and at a good level.
I am sure Radikal and Keel will improve things further.

The core of my turntable has been improved. Radikal was on the list. Improving the power amp has made the LP12 sing even more.

I wouldn’t underestimate a really good phonostage. I know what hierarchy says but have you tried upgrading cart and phono first?

Vinyl thoughts or lp12 thoughts ?
Run Stu, run. Or you will upgrade your lp12 more often than you change your socks :joy:


Maybe an ultrasonic RCM?

You could get an ultrasonic cleaner, still not quiet but at least won’t be mistaken for a vacuum cleaner.
Quite a few of us are pleased with the Humminguru.

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I used to use the Okki Nokki RCM and must admit never had an issue with mould using their solution and purified water.


Velvet Vortex. It’s an ultrasonic bath with a clamp and motor attached.
Make your own fluid.
1% Tetenal
5% isopropyl alcohol
94% distilled water.

It’s a well-supported view. Otoh, some of us think that the flexibility to upgrade bits in this way is more appealing than ditching a Rega Planar 3 to get a 6 and ditching that to get the clearly better SQ from a 10, and then hearing a Naia. Of course, Rega upgrades are not mandatory and neither are LP12 upgrades.

Agree, that’s why I went for a Vertere. My end game TT.

The whole range is excellent imho.

Do you have an RG-1?

If you buy a clean vanilla used Rega, and you decide to upgrade, then you’ll not lose much.
Don’t overlook the older RP version, I had a RP6 with the extra bracing and an external power supply.

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