Voices I should like, but don’t

That’s a really good thought, but I don’t think peotry is her thing. But I agree wholeheartedly, Joni’s and Bob’s poetry/lyrics are superb. And of course, I grew up on all of it.

Don’t know about the others, I don’t know everyone mentioned thus far so I have been torturing myself listening to them. And omg it’s a torture not that I am blaming anyone.

Sorry @opus, I am open to new things but I still don’t like Taylor Swift. However, I reserve the right to change my mind.

With worst album covers that literally is over in a second. Not this. :cold_sweat:

I listen to the Naim radio channel when I can’t be bothered to choose my own music. As soon as Diana Krall and her awful versions of The American Song Book make an appearance, I push the Linn Classical button as quickly as I can. I’m not sure if it is her voice, which is not terrible, or the awful timing she uses to make the songs her own, but they are just ghastly. If she did the songs straight, and by the numbers, I’m sure I wouldn’t reach for the change button. Cover versions are best for me when they are an absolute copy of an old song with a new voice, Seal comes to mind, or a new working of a known song.

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Next up for me is Ella Fitzgerald. I can’t see what the fuss was about… some of her contemporaries to my mind really shine like Sarah Vaughan … but no Ella just seems to sound to my ears lacking that magic and a bit meh


Bob Dylan, amazing lyrics just can’t get on with the vocals
Tina Turner
Robbie Williams

I do like Neil Young though

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Grace Dent on R4.

Hannah French on R3.

Caz Graham often a bit too chirpy for me on Farming Today too. Doesn’t she know what time her programme goes out?!



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Jumoke Fashola just to bleeding happy, ( jazz on R3 )

Mick Jagger. I’ve tried liking him. I really have.

Simon, Ella ? Please, just no! I respect your opinions greatly after reading this forum, but you should be tied down and beaten with rolled up copies of “What Hifi *” until you repent :joy:

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Stevie Nicks…mumbling chipmunk.


There are some I just don’t like, but only one I definitely turn down the volume to zero jor put out the radio to be safe … Adele.

Actually I was really irritated by Adele early on, but I rather enjoy her voice now…

Bruce Springsteen - i can tolerate a song of his on the car radio but could never enjoy a track let alone an entire BS album on the audio.
Shame, he’s an okay guy apparently :upside_down_face:


Your father is right :wink:

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Notwithstanding some of their tunes are (annoyingly) catchy ha ha

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Perhaps he was but I still enjoy it - on a genre by genre basis they nailed it with good simple synth based pop despite many other more more interesting synth bands around that time.

All marmite stuff :laughing:

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Precisely, many are utter earworms even if you’ve not heard them for a few decades - they initially sound monotonous but there are subtle melodic changes that simply work, and for me personally cheer me up irrespective of lyrics as I always prefer ‘the tune’ unless something is profound without being pretentious. Just good pop, I like that, but I also love so many differnet genres, even very extreme rock.

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In this context I have to admit I get soft in my old age. I now secretly tolerate Rick Astley, especially after I heard an interview on the radio that showed him as a very decent guy.
Similar cases can probably made for Duran duran, the waterboys, kajagoogoo, dead or alive and, dare I say it, the Beegees…

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Duran Duran were one of my faves, many good synth songs, but ultimately their videos for their first few albums just stunned me - from effectively soft porn, thorugh truly innovative and others with simply outstanding location and production work - I’d defy anyone to watch some of the Rio album videos and say they were not inspiring particularly Rio, Hungry Like The Wolf and Save a Prayer - they really stood out.