Vtuner down

Linn use Airable. Never had a problem on my Akurate DSM/3. Maybe something Naim should look into……

Does anyone have the details of the naim CEO. I am stunned that the scale of this did not result in any email to all registered equipment holders. I spoke to naim technical before Christmas when I had issues. Sent emails and videos and no reply as I assume they are on holiday - fair enough. Tried everything everyone else has tried and no luck. As an afterthought came here to see if I was alone and find I am not. I am going to write to the CEO if I get get the right email details. It is really important customer feedback they need on this.

My Atom works but BBC HD does not. All other stations do - all BBC except naim station. Had ongoing issues with BBC internet radio for a few months. QB is not working at all so have disconnected again and will try again.


TuneIn and Airable, I think. That’s what’s on my KDSM and AFAIK it’s the same on the Selekt.

There was a disagreement between TuneIn and the Beeb a while ago which could have led to TuneIn dropping BBC stations, which I believe they have done with some products. However, they’re still available on the Linn, though ironically, the Linn stations aren’t.

But I use Airable most of the time and that’s had no downtime recently.


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Looking at Airable reference pages and all major brands listed I think it’s time for a move.

Until they have an outage?

I guess the timing here was most unfortunate happening as it did during Christmas shutdown. Of course, the forum is open 24 hours, 365 days a year and ideal for disseminating this sort information quickly and widely. To that end, Naim’s Software Director kept everybody informed of what they had heard back from Vtuner.


Reading through history the move has been ongoing for a while by other brands due to issues. It’s not the first time. I believe naim are one of the last major brands to realise what is needed to sort this out from a bigger perspective.

If one compare the customer list between vtuner and airable the later IMO house brands that know a great deal of the new generation streaming and todays tech where vtuner house major brands from “the past”. Bit Nokia meets Apple 2007. This to me say something about where the companies head and that there might be more friendly business going on than healthy customer focused business. At least it’s a good time to evaluate the full offer of solutions on hand IMO.

I am stunned that the scale of this has not overwhelmed the NHS (and equivalent across the globe) through an outbreak of apoplexy. You’d think there was literally nothing else to listen to. Holidays ruined. Heads expected to roll. It makes lockdown seem like a trivial event…


Fair point.

There isn’t a Naim CEO. Naim is just a division of Focal/Naim, a French company owned by the Vervent Audio Group (which is a financial investment vehicle).

The CEO is Cedrick Boutonet. The Focal Naim Group Commercial Director is Arnaud Hendoux.

I’ve been using for years m3u files for radio stations with minimstreamer. The license only costs $14USD ($10GBP)per year. I drop the station artwork in the playlist folder same name as the radio station (.jpg) and the artwork appears in the app. Could never figure out how to get the artwork to show up using the asset app. A useful solution when problems with vtuner arise. I had JB Radio, RP, and all the Naim stations running during the vtuner outage.

In Asset I think you have to use the AssetUserUpstreamImages folder, but it’s not very user friendly.

I haven’t seen that option anywhere so I think you’re right.

Thank you Richard. I have located an email address but not sure if it is correct and sent a polite message for some senior level statement of intent on the matter.

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Thanks David.

The world has gone digital and so has the HiFi industry so the ability to supply and scale these services globally is essential. It has allowed me to join some dots as I have been having issues with iRadio streaming for months. Naim technical has been very helpful but it now appears a much broader issue that my naim equipment only…! Lesson learned is I should have tied in here a while ago to learn form the community of users.

If this is your most serious problem this year, you are a lucky person…….

I use a streamer for almost 5 years now, here in France it’s incredible stable and for free…….
In combination with a payed Qobuz subscription an my Melco I am a happy person.

Happy days!


Vervent are funded by the Alpha equity group as the majority stakeholder. It matters little to me who they are as long as Naim keep producing the product I want at a price I want, but writing to the ceo responsible for the Vtuner decision may be a little more complex than suggested.

True. But if you look at the software development ‘partner’of airable
You will notice that they are the same used by vtuner. And the list of companies using vtuner is remarkable as well. I think it is very hard to figure out what is really going on with vtuner🤔

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