Vtuner down

All fine in the Cotswolds except for logos (at least BBC ones). I had my Nova fitted with a DAB/FM module this year which works well as a back-up in times of (first world) crisis! I had the unit unplugged for a few days so relieved tbh that it wasn’t anything more serious.

The BBC short cut is still missing for me, but you can now navigate to the BBC programs and with a bit of persistence get to a working stream. There are no logos though.

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Realised a little belatedly that the UK BBC Radio 3 HD stream doesn’t seem to be working, the basic stream is fine.

BBC 3 HD worked for me in Guildford half an hour ago, but I had to get it by Region, Europe, UK, BBC and then trial and error on the many BBC streams there. But it was definitely the HD stream I had, because I could see the bit rate in the now playing screen (this was on a Nova).

Y’all think this is bad… wait 'till China invades Taiwan, then we’ll have some serious outages!!!


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Seems like everything is up as far as I can tell except Sector Nota Classical, yet sector Nota Space/Progressive are fine.

is it back up? I just got home and Radio Paradise is playing in my office

Re: BBC R4 - what do you mean by:

“…UK, BBC and then trial and error on the many BBC streams there.”

This is what I get. No sign of a “HD” R3?

For me in UK (Oxford) things have changed from earlier today, the national HD BBC’s sourced from the Naim ‘BBC’ iRadio list have now started to play correctly after a day or three of no play.
However Radio Paradise(s), Naim Radio & Jazz plus Linn Jazz that were OK are now slow loading to 100% buffer.

This seems like the hesitant restart like Steve Harris said it would be, whatever I now have an evening with friends on NAS music, I’ll check again tomorrow.

That’s because you aren’t in the UK, so you can’t get R3 HD.

Thus is what I get in icon view

Then if I try list view

Then selecting BBC R3

And selecting R3 HD I get this on the now playing screen

Oh poo. Doesn’t work even if I use my VPN to “put” me “in” the UK.

Disappointingly parochial.

Mind you, I wouldn’t call 335kbps “HD”…

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I can select BBC Radio 3 HD, but it simply plays and saves the basic stream. A kit difference? I have a Muso.

You can stream to any Bluetooth speaker with your cell phone - even without NAIM. There are enough radio apps for that. I see this option as a backup for exactly such cases.

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Radio 3 and 4 working now on NaimUniti here in East Lothian.

My conspiracy theory radar has just kicked in:

This is a deliberate outage to test the market for internet radio by corporate raiders looking to acquire providers, corner the market, and jack up prices

I think the test results are positive

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I think in the grand scheme of things vTuner is not worth the effort of a hacker or corporate raiders, in the grand scheme of radio aggregators, it appears, um, somewhat out of date.

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@GrahamK [quote=“GrahamK, post:381, topic:32556”]
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned but don’t forget for those of you that run Assset you can access Tunein Radio via Naim app.

Although Asset lists Tunein Radio, mine doesn’t populate with any stations; just a whirling circle. Is there something I should know or do??

Don’t want to jinx things but Vtuner seems to be back to normal in the UK. No work in the morning so can have a late one :grin:

Just checked, (UK Oxford), buffers are loading at a respectable rate (per my previous post that some were slow)
Fingers crossed maybe tomorrow we will get the confirmation its finally fixed.
Would be nice to get the full story of what went wrong and what are the plans to avoid the same in the future (please)

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Just 5mins ago actually…! @Stevesky has confirmed on the pinned thread.

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