Vtuner down

Apparently these problems only come from the BBC. Simple : Do not listen to it , better world internet radio ! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Wish now that I had taken the option of including an FM/DAB tuner insert into my Uniti Star when initially purchased!

BBC radio stations working OK in the Bristol area?

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Radio 4 and 6 were fine last night but neither worked this morning. Did the power down reset as suggested by @Richard.Dane in a post above and they are back on both my Star and 222.

All fine here in Norfolk, including BBC stations

Working on the Auralic and Gold Note devices here in central France.

I usually use a NAT02 with my NSC222 (not keen on the time delay).
This morning, following this thread, with 12 presets for various iRadio including BBC, every single one has connected without hesitation, here in the E Mids.
While I can appreciate some of the frustration, there are work arounds, so no units have become bricks and over the festive period I have enjoyed my systems a great deal, despite thoughts to the contrary to some comments above, my units far exceed the sales specification!
No issues with the app, whatsoever, but then I did first instal ethernet at home some twenty years ago!

For anyone still experiencing service issues, I think it’s important to pay particular attention to this part of Steve’s post. To be sure, I would fully unplug from the mains, wait a few minutes and then re-start.


As the NDS doesn’t have airplay not sure what the work around is for my main lounge system?

Switched on this morning for cold start (29th Dec) and its almost working. It started playing the last used channel from yesterday but BBC Radio 4 is not working even though Radio 4 Extra is! Graphics icons are not always coming up but metadata on non-BBC channels seems to work.

IIRC the NDS can use usb input from an iOS device, which does depend on whether you have one.
There have been mentions of other work arounds via NAS.

Let them go to work instead of having a long vacation !

All need extra hardware.

Took me a few more reboots but now have radio 4 back on the Qb. Thanks
Hopefully, properly resolved.
Interestingly I’ve had on and off issues with the Qb losing radio for a year or two and advice here was to hardwire Ethernet, change Router etc.
I’m now wondering whether those issues were Vtuner all the time?

By the way, NDS didn’t need a reboot.

@Richard.Dane I did the reboot earlier and still nothing, then just tried again and out of the blue it’s back.

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I spoke too soon…down again but will cycle the power per Steve’s recommendation

It’s obviously very localised. All working fine here in my Oxfordshire neck of the woods complete with icons on all 3 Naim devices and with no reboot required. Have to say that it was a bit of providence that I had dug out my old Pioneer tuner a few weeks ago - not as good as the NDX2 but pretty good nonetheless (and better than radio silence!).

Good morning everyone,

For information: at 10.00am French time, everything was working correctly here in rural Dordogne.

Best wishes,

Brian D

From South East England, I can report that my Uniti Atom has been fully functional from the first trial at 09:00. Yesterday, it could connected to about half of the Favourites but displayed no station graphics. I did a power off / reboot yesterday evening which did not immediately result in any visible change. Today, Favourites, Presets and graphics are all working. Specifically, BBC3 HD is functional.

Along with other commentators, I would suggest a review of the station server and hosting solution. Today’s cloud computing offerings from AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle and others can be very robust and cost effective when configured correctly. I also suggest that at least one backup station directory method should be available. As a base, I would be happy to directly input one or a few stations manually to provide a local control option,