Vtuner down


Happy Newyear, everything is up and running here in the Netherlands

To @Stevesky
Radio is working normally in Italy.But there’s something that I’ve never seen before on a Naim streamer. If you take a look at the radio page,as well as the common informations there’s a scrolling alphanumeric string that looks like a file identifier. I don’t know if this could help in solving the problem.

Just wondering how Linn has implemented Internet Radio in their Selekt models. Any thoughts?

Thanks for the information. That’s exactly how NAIM should handle it

The presets are back again,but now the nsc 222 last the left chanel again.Just like last week when the vtuner problems started.Then I exchanged the xlr cables for others and the speakers from left to right,no result.When I did a full factory reset the left Chanel was back.
I hope this is not a harbinger for the future,otherwise Naim will be exchanged for a competitor.
It is now starting to become very irritating.And the fact that it is the Christmas holiday for some people is no excuse for these slow actions/reactions.
Naim has now become a niche brand and it should not treat its customers that way.

Not sure if people realise that they can create their own playlists for stations they listen to by enabling the playlist folder in Asset and dropping a m3u file into the folder.

The only issues are no track info or artwork.

Just added the following to a file called Radio Paradise AAC.m3u and dropped it into the playlist file:-

# Radio Paradise AAC Streams

#EXTINF:-1,Radio Paradise - Global Mix

#EXTINF:-1,Radio Paradise - Main Mix

#EXTINF:-1,Radio Paradise - Mellow Mix

#EXTINF:-1,Radio Paradise - Rock Mix

I’ve also found an up to date BBC HLS stream called BBC-Radio-HLS.m3u

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Has anyone deleted the Focal/Naim App along with settings/data and reinstalled?

Wondering maybe if there could be some incorrect data stored if anything has changed at vTuner’s end as part of a fix?

It just seems a bit odd that if we have presets saved then are they saving proxy links to vTuner selections (and those links might have changed) rather than the actual internet radio stations URLs?

Drew, if you hijack the key domain names (naim.vtuner.com and vtuner.com) on your local network, I believe the Naim stuff will go along, unless I am missing something.

I may give it a go in few weeks. Had I known my holidays would be ruined, I would have tried earlier.

Yamaha was also affected with some products and problems with vTuner. It is the only major manufacturer that I know of that took responsibility for its decision and provided a firmware update in 2019. This means that the Internet radio is obtained from the alternative provider Airable, instead of vTuner.

There’s an odd comment from someone on UK Trustpilot suggesting they moved to Airable and that an email had the signature of someone previously at vTuner - no real details so I have no idea if this is true or not, but makes you wonder if some staff are moving to a similar company for one reason or another.

Linn use Airable. Never had a problem on my Akurate DSM/3. Maybe something Naim should look into……

Does anyone have the details of the naim CEO. I am stunned that the scale of this did not result in any email to all registered equipment holders. I spoke to naim technical before Christmas when I had issues. Sent emails and videos and no reply as I assume they are on holiday - fair enough. Tried everything everyone else has tried and no luck. As an afterthought came here to see if I was alone and find I am not. I am going to write to the CEO if I get get the right email details. It is really important customer feedback they need on this.

My Atom works but BBC HD does not. All other stations do - all BBC except naim station. Had ongoing issues with BBC internet radio for a few months. QB is not working at all so have disconnected again and will try again.


TuneIn and Airable, I think. That’s what’s on my KDSM and AFAIK it’s the same on the Selekt.

There was a disagreement between TuneIn and the Beeb a while ago which could have led to TuneIn dropping BBC stations, which I believe they have done with some products. However, they’re still available on the Linn, though ironically, the Linn stations aren’t.

But I use Airable most of the time and that’s had no downtime recently.


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Looking at Airable reference pages and all major brands listed I think it’s time for a move.

Until they have an outage?

I guess the timing here was most unfortunate happening as it did during Christmas shutdown. Of course, the forum is open 24 hours, 365 days a year and ideal for disseminating this sort information quickly and widely. To that end, Naim’s Software Director kept everybody informed of what they had heard back from Vtuner.


Reading through history the move has been ongoing for a while by other brands due to issues. It’s not the first time. I believe naim are one of the last major brands to realise what is needed to sort this out from a bigger perspective.

If one compare the customer list between vtuner and airable the later IMO house brands that know a great deal of the new generation streaming and todays tech where vtuner house major brands from “the past”. Bit Nokia meets Apple 2007. This to me say something about where the companies head and that there might be more friendly business going on than healthy customer focused business. At least it’s a good time to evaluate the full offer of solutions on hand IMO.

I am stunned that the scale of this has not overwhelmed the NHS (and equivalent across the globe) through an outbreak of apoplexy. You’d think there was literally nothing else to listen to. Holidays ruined. Heads expected to roll. It makes lockdown seem like a trivial event…


Fair point.