Vtuner down

I don’t listen to radio that much but Christmas with the family is one ocasion. Seriously regretting giving my brother in law my NAT 3 when I ran out of space on my rack.

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my MU-So and QB still do not have internet radio in The Netherlands, is there no SLA between Naim and vtuner.


Also here in Italy, vTuner down since this morning.
Is this a serious behavior from Naim and vTuner???


Still down in Toronto.

Not sure if it’s coincidental, but I am now also experiencing a networking/connectivity issue on my Android Naim/Focal app. It can not detect my 2 devices.

Naim have informed Vtuner (see Naim’s post above from @Stevesky ) - it is their service that is used on Naim devices. It is, of course, Christmas Day…

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Usually the vtuner implemantation on the old servers is limitted until one day you discover that whatever has caust the crash on the newer vrtuner version has not troubled the older version used on the servers.

Hi all,

Quick update regarding this VTuner situation:

As of 13:45 UK time a critical fault had been identified in a set of Dallas data centres that Vtuner host out of and has effectively knocked the service fully off the net, backup servers et all. Smells of a few too many eggs all in one basket….

Apologies for the terrible timings on this. Totally out of Naim’s control but we’ll aim to give updates as and when they come through to us.

With regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.


Thank you so much for the update. Look forward to it being resolved soon.

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Sounds like a bad design on Vtuners part to me @Stevesky as you say all the eggs in one basket.

I’m surprised that it’s not fault tolerant, speaking as a network engineer it’s not that hard to incorporate load balancing into the equation.

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Thanks to all who have contributed. It is reassuring to know it’s a global issue and not my local hardware! At least here in the UK there is a good source of HD internet radio links which play through VLC. I’ve been able to output my laptop via a USB to SPDIF converter into my Unity Star which has worked OK. Search for Radiofeeds UK (can’t include links in post).
Hope that helps somebody!

Doesn’t Naim have any useful service level agreements with vTuner? Naim is quite prominently posted on vTuner’s partner logo website as leading partner …. (like Audi).

Would highly recommend to include such SLA’s or similar into strategic partnerships, or provide alternatives …. 24hrs outages simply not acceptable imho.


As someone who runs a web-based service for a living, I can say that it being Christmas is not a legitimate excuse for being this slow, unresponsive and uncommunicative, especially for a company of that size and reach. It’s unfortunate and I am sympathetic, but it is not an excuse.


Down in Belgium 25.12.2023, 18:39 LOCAL or 17:39 UTC

The enterprise seems to be running on asp dot net so God help us. That should have been a massive red flag before entering into a business relationship with them.

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Down in Colorado,too!

My Muso stopped streaming yesterday. I can stream via Airplay from my phone but no streaming stations (e.g.Radio Paradise).

Down in Munich since yesterday.
My ND5XS no longer has a vtuner connection with no radio station. How NAIM can use vtuner for this, of all things, is a mystery to me. But with my Raumfeld Connector 2 all radio stations work. :laughing:

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Always look on the bright side of life

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I say this in some ignorance of the service, but who pays for vtuner? If it s effectively a free service to users, it seems a big much yo complain that they don’t have staff giving up their Christmas to fix problems. (Yo pug this in context, one of my sons provides online 24/7 support (for a different industry), on a rota basis, and is on this Christmas - from last Friday into the New Year. He is very unhappy that he’s got the whole period, not split between a couple of people, but he is paid handsomely for it - which is of course is a cost of the business proving the service…

This is no doubt frustrating, but at the home level putting al your eggs in one basket is also not a good idea. Perhaps spend a few quid on a wiim or something, as awesomely terrible as I am sure it must be, at least its something when something else goes tits up.